geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

May 09, 2003

feed me, seymour

word has it that selected newsreaders are having trouble with my XML feed.

News Reader Users: could you do me a favor and tell me what reader you are using, and what kind of errors you get, if any?

I'm using NetNewsWire, and it works without a problem. Strange... Mike is having problems with his, too.

Even better, if you know the problem, could you offer a solution? ^_^;;

posted by Courtney @ 11:09 PM
April 28, 2003
audioblog test post

Now you can hear me. Exciting, isn't it? weeee.

Powered by audblogaudblog audio post

posted by Courtney @ 11:06 AM
April 24, 2003
comment 1k

wow, it flew right by and I didn't even notice.

eric has posted comment number 1,000 at this 'ere blog!

woo and yay!

*launches confetti cannon*

posted by Courtney @ 04:50 PM
April 11, 2003
who's got the button?

s'about time I made some buttons. It's actually quite fun, and I better stop myself before I make dozens. ;)

please PLEASE do not directly link to these images, or I'll spank your IP. So just download em, mmkay? and link 'em to or

this pac-man one is my fave so far.

mac posse reprahzent.

feelin' Googly.

obligatory picture.

posted by Courtney @ 10:32 PM
March 20, 2003
familiar faces

If it's cool and involves blogs, I am *so* there. Jason DeFillippo has created a faceroll using his popular Blogrolling service.

Check it out, I have a random selection four faces of people I have met (with links to their prospective blogs), over there on the right sidebar. My ideal setup is to use photos that I have taken of said people... so if I'm using a picture I found on your site or see a "No Photo" graphic, I am going to be hunting you down soon to shoot you. ;)

posted by Courtney @ 07:48 PM
March 04, 2003
user friendly

minor changes to the blog and stylesheets. i listened to your comments and suggestions, thank you! Keep 'em coming!

again, if things look wonky, clear your cache.

hmm, that's a good, witty saying. it may look good on a thinkgeek t-shirt.

posted by Courtney @ 11:34 PM
March 03, 2003
it's good to be number three

I've noticed a lot of my referrers are from Google, and decided to check how my little corner of the web was being found by random internet peoples.

I'm number three in Google for the search term "Courtney". Spiffareeno!

As for the person searching for "how to throw a great chick party"... sorry, pal, can't help ya there.

posted by Courtney @ 12:24 AM
February 25, 2003
opinions wanted

Quick question regarding the blog's current :
Do you like the 3-columns or should I go to two?

I've been considering changing to a right-bar only 2 column , but I'm not sure. It'll probably look cleaner, but won't keep some of the goods near the top of the page (webcam, currently, etc.).

There are some blogs that look spiffareeno with 3 columns, but there are certainly no lack of blogs that I like that have 2. Oh, the decisions, the decisions...

UPDATE 19:51
I've changed to the 2-column and pruned my sidebar sections a bit... most likely going to move the content around more. Let's see how it works out. If things look wonky, try flushing your browser cache or reloading. I may still be tinkering with it tonight.

posted by Courtney @ 08:37 PM
February 01, 2003
s-a-t-u-r-d-a-y night

PokerCam is on now! Limited time only!

Watch me lose my money!

posted by Courtney @ 10:07 PM
January 13, 2003
don't you forget about me

My one year blogiversary came and went silently last week! I guess the first week of the year is a horrible week to have a blogiversary, because of the craziness that is usually going on at that time.

Anyways, it's been a great year. I don't think it woulda been the same without blogging. I had been keeping an online journal before 6 January 2002, but I really became a part of the blogosphere once I started using MT. I was a little late in jumping on the bandwagon, but I'm glad I did it anyways!

I got to know (and love) many great people through blogging, and made some new friends... and who doesn't like new friends?

I attended blog meetups, attended events and parties with bloggers, and made terrific memories in the process. I really am looking forward to meeting more bloggers this year, and soon!

It's been a hell of a year, and I ain't goin' away anytime soon. Blogaritas for everyone!

posted by Courtney @ 06:31 PM
January 02, 2003
new leaf

Ah, a new year. Time for some change.

This is the new , for now (until I change moods or something). I started working on it many months ago, but basically forgot about it for a while. It's based on a from the CSS Colouring Book, which, coincidentally, was featured on ScriptyGoddess the other day.

A new surprise! I have successfully registered the domain, going back to my original thoughts from many months ago. So all you San Francisco Bay Area Bloggers out there, let your presence be known, and leave a comment! I would like a good base of people signing up to be listed on the site before I begin work on it.

Other area-specific blogger sites for you to peruse, if you have no idea what my intended results are:

so please, do leave a comment, or contact me directly, if you are a SF Bay Area blogger!

Once again, Happy New Year to all :)

posted by Courtney @ 12:16 AM
December 29, 2002
blah dah deee

back to the old boring . I *was* working on a new one, but got sidetracked with the holidaze and all. Maybe It'll be ready to go by new years. guess you'll just hafta wait.

posted by Courtney @ 02:54 PM
December 18, 2002


Geeky Thanks to Randy... we've fixed my CSS problems! Now back to your regularly scheduled blog...

posted by Courtney @ 01:17 AM
December 15, 2002
Be sure to drink your Ovaltine

I decided to jump on the bandwagon and get my blog into the Holiday spirit by dressing up in a Christmas theme. I'm sure many of you get the reference. :)

Seems to be some minor text wrapping problems in Chimera, but otherwise, it's all good.

Oh yeah, and Be sure to drink your Ovaltine.

posted by Courtney @ 11:53 PM
October 08, 2002
EmTee BeeDay


Hippo birdie two ewe,
Hippo birdie two ewe,
Hippo birdie Em Tee,
Hippo birdie two ewe!

Movable Type turns one year old today... and with that, comes a spankin' new version. Download version 2.5 today! I'll be installing it sometime over the next coupla days.

posted by Courtney @ 04:48 PM
September 16, 2002
somebody stop me

I promise these boring update posts will slow down, I swear.

I created a new blog, dedicated to links to share and discuss. Kinda like slashdot, kuro5hin and fark.

I tend to bookmark and email out a lotta links, so this was a natural direction of growth. I collect links of geeky stuff (duh), pop culture, weird stories, news, urban legends, etc... all pretty much pertaining my particular interests and tastes. Maybe you're interested and want to take a look, and participate in the discussion.

posted by Courtney @ 01:14 AM
September 10, 2002
referrers, etc.

Coupla quick updates... below are the major ones, ignore this entry if these kinds of things bore you... ^_^;;

*Added a page that lists the last 50 referring sites to the index page (there is also a link to it on the right sidebar). This'll be useful to me, and maybe interesting to you.

*Added a message form to the contact page. Now it's even easier to bug me.

*Added my ThinkGeek wishlist to the "interact" portion of the sidebar. For fun, really.

*Added a section on the sidebar called "on the night table" where you can take a peek at what reading material I'm browsing through at the moment.

posted by Courtney @ 01:06 AM
September 06, 2002
more updates...

So I applied some of these new graphics to the rest of the pages on the site, for the most part.

Also note that I am slowy adding archive pages to the webcam section. Right now, I have images up from last week's poker night. You can watch the whole evening in animated GIFs. Weee!

Wow, it was easier than I thought to change over to PHP. Awesome. Added the spiffy new banner to all the archive pages too. Weeee!

posted by Courtney @ 05:31 PM
tabled topics

Hey, new ... w00t! Same color scheme, just with some images, and using tables for the actual (I was using floating boxes before).

It makes sense that a graphic designer would at least have some *graphics* on her weblog, huh? It only makes too much sense. So here ya go. The anime character is Lain from Serial Experiments Lain. If you haven't seen it, you should! I felt like her character was appropriate, as GeekyChicks go.

Oh, and a new splash screen to go with it.

And for my next trick, I will convert this weblog into PHP. But not tonight.

Of course, you know, I'll change things around *again* eventually... I can never leave well enough alone. ^_^;;

posted by Courtney @ 12:15 AM
August 27, 2002

hey, just a quick note to say sorry if the blog looks funky today. I'm messing with new styles and such. Should be new and improved by tonight or tomorrow morning. At least the content is still here for you to read! :)

UPDATE @ 18:36 PDT
Hey! I added a PDA Version of this site to the mix.
If you use AvantGo, click here to add my channel to your list!

posted by Courtney @ 01:38 PM
June 26, 2002
New Photo Gallery

I'm all excited and stuff. I got this photo album software, Gallery working on CProductions. It's spiffy. View the gallery here. I got the idea from seeing it being used on Loren's site. I still have to customize mine, but it prolly won't look as spiff as his. I guess this will replace the old photo diary... this is so much easier.

So check it out... so far I have albums for Hawaii, Family, Personal (friends, home, etc.) and Geocaching (of course).

The album software is written using PHP. I stoked about starting to use PHP. I'm digging it a lot. It's quick and simple to use, plus is pretty darned flexible. I'm straying more and more from CGI now, weeee!

posted by Courtney @ 10:13 AM
June 18, 2002
de colores

I'm messing with new colors for this site. Before, I was using Moveable Type's template "Trendy" for starters, but I'm trying to mess with CSS a bit and figure out how this thing works.

I never know whether to go with my light side or dark side.

Maybe mid-tones are where it's at. For those of us who are always in those gray areas.

posted by Courtney @ 08:12 PM
June 03, 2002

Yay! It's my new home! Welcome to geeky chick dot net.

I just imported the entries from the CProductions Blog to this site. So if some stuff doesn't make sense, like references to and broken images, mostly, sorry. I'm gonna weed through the entries in good time.

posted by Courtney @ 01:57 PM
June 01, 2002
Onward and upward

I've made a decision.

I am gonna dive into freelancing again, and see where it gets me. I have a few clients and a few potential ones lined up, so it's a start. Now is the time for me to get heavily into self promotion, spiffying up my resume and doing some hard core research about the current market.

With this decision has come another... to make this here site (the one you are currently soaking in, Madge) my business site, centering on my portfolio, resume, and other professional doodads. So watch for my new personal site, geeky chick dot net, coming soon (there's nothing there right now, but hey, it's extra krispy. yum!).

If this whole freelancing thing falls through (which I hope it doesn't), you'll see me with my nose in the classifieds. Again.

posted by Courtney @ 11:24 PM
March 05, 2002
Bless this Mess

Just a quick (maybe temporary) entry to tell everyone out there that YES, the blog is back, but the styles aren't (hence the default blue-ish color scheme on some of the pages). To be mucked with tomorrow. I'm too tired to do it now.

posted by Courtney @ 10:58 PM
February 15, 2002
More Changes Imminent

I figured I should make a quick entry since I haven't in over a week. Eek!

I'm looking into a new web host, so that is a behind the scenes change that will affect the site in the near future. I figure with moving and all, I should make the changes I've been meaning to make, overall. I think I'm going to go with PHP Web Hosting, thanks to Albert's suggestion.

Site changes...

Well, I've added an archive of my Picks from the left frame. (I know, I haven't been updating them on a consistent basis).

I want to add a FAQ section in the About CP area. So please, anyone out there (yes, even you lurkers), post a question in the comments (or if you really need to, ). It could be anything from the inane to the insane. Ask me whatever you want, and I'll post it (within reason, hee).

Back to RL, Kevin's parents are visiting for the next two weeks. Unfortunately, we are both still working all day every day (except this upcoming Monday, of course). But it's nice to see them again. This is the last time they'll get to visit us here in Hawaii! Anyhoo, I'm now off to dinner with them!

posted by Courtney @ 05:24 PM
January 11, 2002

New core page. Weee. Integrated the Blog into the core page using frames, as you can see. I added a frame with my "picks" in different forms of media, probably to be updated monthly or maybe even bi-weekly, depending. Top frame now holds the Navigation Bar. I've never really used frames much before out of pure fear. ;) If you find any problems or bugs, please right away! If no problems, great... just let me know what you think by clicking "comments" below.

Yesterday I was so excited to go to the ONLY A&W restaurant on Oahu. It's all the way down Nimitz Highway, past the airport, near the Navy Golf Course. It's weird, too, because it's a combo A&W/Long John Silvers. I was disappointed because the workers decided to make the root beer floats BEFORE making the food. By the time I got back to the office, the floats had a golf-ball sized bit of ice cream left. Blah. But the root beer was good. Ah well, maybe next time.

Slow day at work... first one in a long time. Come visit us. :D

posted by Courtney @ 12:10 PM
January 10, 2002
Talkin' With Myself

I'm sure no one is really reading this Blog. If you are, please leave comments for me. All ya hafta do is click the "comments" link below any entry. If no one is really reading, eh, s'okay... this is a good vent. ;)

Trying to figure out how to modify this page while keeping my s in GoLive. I guess it's just a matter of cut n' paste in the source code. Hmm. I guess I need to deconstruct it. Now to find time to do that...

I'm feeling a bit run down this week... I've had cold symptoms for over a month, just finished a 10-day round with Amoxicillin, and still feeling a bit sick. Dammit. I need to get more rest. Y'see, I'm a light sleeper. Kevin is a verrrry deep sleeper, and he seems to get by perfectly on 5 hours of sleep. So we're a bit unbalanced. :/ He has promised to go to bed earlier for a week to see if that helps... no disturbances, no interruptions, hopefully. And more sleep for me...

Nothing of real note today to put in the ol' Blog. Maybe I'll think of something later.

posted by Courtney @ 02:43 PM
January 06, 2002
All Kids Love Blog

My neverending quest to add more doodads to this website continues. It's actually kind of fun.Thanks to and, I found some Blogging software (Movable Type) that's fairly easy to setup and use. After procratinating for who knows how long, I've finally started teaching myself a bit more about CSS. It's actually quite easy. I just thought I didn't need to know about 'em. I was sorely mistaken.

Anyhoo, I'm still testing MT out. Let me know what you think.

posted by Courtney @ 06:48 PM