geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

I'm sure no one is really reading this Blog. If you are, please leave comments for me. All ya hafta do is click the "comments" link below any entry. If no one is really reading, eh, s'okay... this is a good vent. ;)

Trying to figure out how to modify this page while keeping my s in GoLive. I guess it's just a matter of cut n' paste in the source code. Hmm. I guess I need to deconstruct it. Now to find time to do that...

I'm feeling a bit run down this week... I've had cold symptoms for over a month, just finished a 10-day round with Amoxicillin, and still feeling a bit sick. Dammit. I need to get more rest. Y'see, I'm a light sleeper. Kevin is a verrrry deep sleeper, and he seems to get by perfectly on 5 hours of sleep. So we're a bit unbalanced. :/ He has promised to go to bed earlier for a week to see if that helps... no disturbances, no interruptions, hopefully. And more sleep for me...

Nothing of real note today to put in the ol' Blog. Maybe I'll think of something later.


You are so cool. I enjoy visiting your site every now and then via fark's camportal (I know, that's gotta sound creepy; but really, nice style and creativity always catch my attention)

Welp, I'll be back,

transmitted by Travis on March 10, 2002 08:38 PM

I am reading. Keep writing.

- Me

transmitted by Me on October 16, 2002 06:47 PM
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