geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

Check it. I set up a MoBlog at to accompany my newly acquired Sony Ericsson MCA-25 camera.

I'm hoping to soon install the mail2entry script so I can post to a MT blog. Prepare for full geek mode!


Yeah i wanted to post to my MT blog from my pocket pc so i just wrote the code myself. It only took like 3 hours or something. I imagine it wouldn't be that hard to have a script with a timer check your e-mail every 10 mins and then parse it for a certian subject line. If it found that line it would enter that e-mail as a entry in your blog and delete the e-mail for you. If you know java or pearl you could do this yourself very easily... Anyways best of luck to you. Check out my site... I have a blog somewhere on there to but i just started it up.

transmitted by Danman on May 16, 2003 02:57 PM
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