geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

Ah, a new year. Time for some change.

This is the new , for now (until I change moods or something). I started working on it many months ago, but basically forgot about it for a while. It's based on a from the CSS Colouring Book, which, coincidentally, was featured on ScriptyGoddess the other day.

A new surprise! I have successfully registered the domain, going back to my original thoughts from many months ago. So all you San Francisco Bay Area Bloggers out there, let your presence be known, and leave a comment! I would like a good base of people signing up to be listed on the site before I begin work on it.

Other area-specific blogger sites for you to peruse, if you have no idea what my intended results are:

so please, do leave a comment, or contact me directly, if you are a SF Bay Area blogger!

Once again, Happy New Year to all :)


I'm a SFBay blogger, hook me up! :)

transmitted by Ealasaid on January 2, 2003 08:46 AM

nice catch!

transmitted by eric on January 2, 2003 01:40 PM

So, um ... do you have to actually live in the bay area to be a bay area blogger ... or can I be an honorary bay area blogger? I started my blog while I lived in San Jose ... it's not my fault I had to move to Washington DC because of a job!

transmitted by tj on January 2, 2003 08:36 PM

sure, if there's enough interest, I can add another section for such a group :)

transmitted by courtney on January 3, 2003 12:36 PM

I would like to be an honorary bay area blogger, I'm fairly close and that's where my heart is. (umm sorry had to say it);)

transmitted by Lance on January 3, 2003 09:41 PM
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