geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

I've noticed a lot of my referrers are from Google, and decided to check how my little corner of the web was being found by random internet peoples.

I'm number three in Google for the search term "Courtney". Spiffareeno!

As for the person searching for "how to throw a great chick party"... sorry, pal, can't help ya there.


yeah, i'd say the majority of my hits are via search engine queries. i wonder which parts of the ranking algorithm are placing me close to the top in some of these things. also, the google spiders are very speedy. sometimes i get a hit for some word i use the day after i post it ...

congrats on being the bronze medal winner for your name! that's pretty cool!

transmitted by eric on March 3, 2003 04:41 PM

I get a fair amount of people coming from google to my site as well. I am not lucky enough to have my name show up as the third result. I will agree that google's spiders are pretty fast. I have noticed that posts show up quite quickly in google results.

transmitted by David on March 3, 2003 11:20 PM
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