geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

minor changes to the blog and stylesheets. i listened to your comments and suggestions, thank you! Keep 'em coming!

again, if things look wonky, clear your cache.

hmm, that's a good, witty saying. it may look good on a thinkgeek t-shirt.


yeah, i like that. it's good advice. ;)

your site looks super-good, by the way.

arr. i should probably go make mine play nice with others' browsers at some point ...

transmitted by eric on March 5, 2003 01:33 AM

Site looks cool. Real nice in Mozilla.

transmitted by Lance on March 5, 2003 04:39 AM


Where's the mystery-meat navigation that I can't understand?

Where's the pointless use of Flash?

Where's the the animated icons, especially one of those letters that writes itself and goes into an envelope?

Where's the overuse of frames here and there?

Where's the java applet that makes a picture look like a pond ripple?

Where's Dancing Jesus? I can't find him?


transmitted by Naladahc on March 5, 2003 04:42 AM
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