geeky chick dot net
by the light of the monitor

June 30, 2002


We were pretty much nonstop today, although I will note that I woke up late. Mmm. Sleep.

Team Geek went out on our first Multi-Cache today (er, Saturday), Edith's Trunk. Very challenging, seeing that we parked across the freeway from it and we were walking around for a total of close to 3 hours (including in the wrong park entirely!). But we found it... rather, Andy found it! The first one that he had found himself.

We came straight home to meet Asa for a nice little Barbeque in our backyard. Mmm. Asa made some kickass burgers with our bottle of Ring of Fire BBQ Sauce. Good stuff, adds a nice kick.

Then, it was poker as usual. Except... Andy and Michelle didn't bring along the poker chips and cards. So we improvised!

We used Lego blocks as our poker chips. They stack pretty well, and you can make cool things with your winnings. Look here for pictures from tonight's poker game.

I think it's time to sleep.

posted by Courtney @ 02:28 AM
June 29, 2002
In the Works

I have no idea why, but I was hit with an urge to do some work fairly late in the evening. Maybe it's because I'm getting all geek-cited about learning PHP.

I used my blooming skillz to create a new "Current Weather Conditions" page on This Week's site. It's pretty spiff. Sure, I used someone else's script, but I customized it. That's how we all learn to code, eh?

Then I thought, "hey, I could use this kinda stuff for my own needs"! So I poked around a bit and found some web-fetching scripts to get me started. Look what I made... a Geeky Start Page for myself! I'm gonna customize it even more, add some of my favorite comics to it, local geocaches, and all sorts of neat stuff. w00t!

Oh yeah, and sleep should come pretty soon. Dang.

posted by Courtney @ 02:14 AM
June 28, 2002
Friday Five 28-06-02

Today's Friday Five: When was the last time you...

1. ...sent a handwritten letter?
I dunno about letters, but I send cards and postcards a lot. Want one? . Wanna send me one? See my P.O. Box address on the sidebar.

2. ...baked something from scratch or made something by hand?
I cook a lot. I dunno if making dinner counts. I made garlic mashed potatoes for last week's GeoPicnic, and before that, I made Tiramisu from scratch for Michelle.

3. ...camped in a tent?
Sadly, I can't recall. It's been that long. Years.

4. ...volunteered your time to church, school, or community?
Hmm. Not too much lately, since moving and all. I did recently donate some money to Wil for the Breast Cancer Walk-a-thon (which is currently waaaay over goal, a good thing). I think that time is definitely a good thing to donate to people... I just have to make it.

5. ...helped a stranger?
I think that we all should do something small for a stranger every day. It could be as minor as holding a door open, letting someone change lanes in front of you, or picking up something that was dropped. I consciously try to do these random acts of kindness often, albeit minor ones. Just because I know how it feels when someone else does it for me. :)

posted by Courtney @ 03:10 PM
June 27, 2002
Blues Clueless

This is too much. I can't decide if it's cool, or weird, or both.

Steve is an actual human being. And he doesn't always wear green striped shirts.

Or just so absurd, that I like it. Or maybe it's because he's got a picture of Domokun on his site.


posted by Courtney @ 12:21 PM
June 26, 2002
New Photo Gallery

I'm all excited and stuff. I got this photo album software, Gallery working on CProductions. It's spiffy. View the gallery here. I got the idea from seeing it being used on Loren's site. I still have to customize mine, but it prolly won't look as spiff as his. I guess this will replace the old photo diary... this is so much easier.

So check it out... so far I have albums for Hawaii, Family, Personal (friends, home, etc.) and Geocaching (of course).

The album software is written using PHP. I stoked about starting to use PHP. I'm digging it a lot. It's quick and simple to use, plus is pretty darned flexible. I'm straying more and more from CGI now, weeee!

posted by Courtney @ 10:13 AM
June 24, 2002
East Bay Hijinx

I had lunch with Robyn today, in Emeryville. This is the first time we've met IRL (in real life, for you non-acronym peeps). Too bad, since he's about to move to Seattle. I met Robyn on the FARK Forums sometime late last year. A good guy, I wish him luck in the Starbucks State... er, I mean, Evergreen State.

Robyn gave me a couple of great California books... one on CA Hiking, which will be a great help when geocaching, for sure. And a generic California handbook. You can never know too much about your home state. :)

I was to meet my mom later at IKEA, but had a few hours to kill after lunch. So of course, I geocached. Duh.

Scoped out, but didn't find, the "No eGrets" cache... it was ugly anyways. Not a good sign when you find packets of condoms and syringe packaging, is it? Went on to find the Berkeley Pedestrian Bridge cache, which was really easy. Nice walk, that bridge.

I then headed to IKEA and met Mom for a bit. Got some throw pillows, display shelves and mortar & pestle. Nothing too exciting. They were still out of an item that I've been asking about for months now. Grr.

Straight from IKEA back to the Berkeley for the New Stinky cache. This one is a toughie, but I found it! Lots of bricks and concrete about to scrape my legs and knees up. Luckily, I left a little first aid baggie for the next visitor.

I think I'm gonna stay on this side of the Bay tomorrow.

posted by Courtney @ 11:28 PM
Monday Mission 2.25

Today's Monday Mission is all over the map...

1. Do you wear glasses/contact lenses? If so would you consider going through Lasik surgery? (Or if you already have, please tell us about it)
Nope. I'm the only one in my immediately family that doesn't wear corrective lenses. I guess that means I'm not too far behind.

2. Did you ever have to wear braces? How are your teeth? (any cavities, any pulled teeth, root canals, etc.)
I wore braces for about 3 years in my late teens/early 20's. Sorry to say, I don't wear my retainer as much as I should, and my bottom front teeth are moving. I got my wisdom teeth pulled a few weeks before I got my braces, when I had to get 4 more teeth pulled. Ouch! Haven't been to a dentist in a couple of years... I know I need to.

3. What (if any) recent movies have moved you emotionally? Which one and how so?
I can't remember any really recent ones, but Grave of the Fireflies is an anime that moved me more than any other live action movie. Very true to life, and doesn't hold back. It's touching and at the same time, very somber and sad.

4. Would you rather live the remainder of your golden years in a rest home, or pass away before it came to that?
It depends on how swanky the rest home is. ;) I don't think I would mind, as long as I was in fair physical and mental shape. If I had to have a caretaker, I think I wouldn't like that very much. I'm pretty independent.

5. What natural creation or phenomenon just flat-out leaves you with a sense of wonder?
There are a lot of nature's creations that I am astounded by, but I should really answer this question with something I've seen in person. A lot of the landscapes in Hawaii are just amazing. The Volcanoes National Park on the Big Island... oh my! That whole park is amazing... some parts are like a completely different planet. Haleakala on Maui as well. Wow. Amazing stuff, this earth.

6. Have you ever been in a fist fight or a situation where you had to get physically violent with someone else? How did that come about? Any consequences?
Not that I remember. Does that mean I was KO'ed?
Does scuffling with my sister when we were kids count? :D

7. Are there any recent happenings that you wish you would have handled differently? What happened and what do you wish you'd done?
The only thing I would've done differently is getting this damn house unpacked. We stopped after our initial unpacking and just left it alone for a while. Someone, please, kick our asses!

posted by Courtney @ 09:03 PM
June 23, 2002
Home Sweet Home

Although we didn't go out today, save the Farmer's Market for some fresh fruits and veggies (and not to mention kettle corn... yum!), we got a lot done.

Our moving in process kinda came to a halt these past couple of weeks, and we felt downright crappy about it. So we bore down today and got a lot of stuff done arouund the house. Kevin finally finished laying down the tile in the kitchen (which we started *before* moving in, heh), and I started hanging up pictures and art. This house is definitely becoming more and more of a home.

The cat got to go out for the first time today, too. She was loving it. Sniffed everything in sight before deciding that the front porch was *her* spot, and plopped down in front of the door to guard the house. She's a sweetie. At one point, she started crying through the screen door, so we ran to let her in. She wouldn't come inside, and kept crying until we walked out of the door to just be with her outside. "Come be with me! Have fun with me outside!" she seemed to be mewing.

Oh, I forgot to write last night... the GeoPicnic was a blast. Great turnout, lovely weather, good food, good people. I was dead tired by 7pm, hence the lack of blog.

Mmm. Cookies.

posted by Courtney @ 11:43 PM
June 22, 2002

(Stereo MC's song goin' through my head now)

Got my new toy today (er, Friday), the Handspring Treo 180g. I am so digging this thing.

If you ever get a chance to drive one, I highly recommend it. It's so choice.

Cell phone, SMS, e-mail, web browser, messenger, PLUS all the features of a regular Palm OS device, all in one small package. It's a geeky dream.

If I could only get a GPS on this thingy... *drool*

Bug me! I set up a on my Treo.

posted by Courtney @ 12:21 AM
June 21, 2002
Friday Five 21-06-02

Today's Friday Five: Living Arrangements.

1. Do you live in a house, an apartment or a condo?
We live in a house. In the middle of our street.
Okay, at the end of a court.

2. Do you rent or own?
Rent. Yeah, yeah, I know, it's time to buy, yadda yadda.
I guess we want to do it right when we do it. We weren't ready yet.

3. Does anyone else live with you?
Fiancé Kevin, 2 kids, 1 spaz cat.

4. How many times have you moved in your life?
Hmm. We moved around a lot, although in the same area, when I was a kid. Add it all up, and I think it must be around 9 or 10 times.

5. What are your plans for this weekend?
The big event for this weekend is the SF Bay Area Geocaching Picnic at Shadow Cliffs Regional Park. Otherwise, I think we'll be fixin' up the house more... we're still not completely settled since moving here.

posted by Courtney @ 08:05 AM
June 20, 2002
Salty Dawg

I went to find the T in the Road cache today. It's located around some salt farm ponds, which can get pretty stinky in the summer. Luckily, it was fair and breezy today. I tried not to face downwind. ^_^

I'd recommend this cache. It's like a maze... lots of paths to take, and if you take the wrong one, you hafta backtrack. Makes it interesting. Lots of cool birds and views, too.

I might do more tomorrow. Last week was virtually cache-less for me, with Kevin out of town and all, so I guess I should make up for it.

Umm. What else... I got some pants today. Weee.

That is all.

posted by Courtney @ 11:55 PM
June 19, 2002
Wednesday Whimsy 19-06-02

Today's Wednesday Whimsy: Death

1. What do you believe happens after death?
Things get dark. Really dark.
As you may know, although I was raised Catholic, I am not a religious person anymore. Religion has caused too much pain for too many people lately.

2. If, when you died, you were instantly transported to the moment in your life from which you would have done things differently, what would that moment be?
I try not to think that way... no regrets, y'know? I guess the standard answer would be that I always see room for self-improvement... wanting to take more classes, enrich my mind, encourage creative growth. It's not too late for that.

3. Some say that when you die you remain in the place you were most connected to in life. What would that place be for you?
Probably as a young, carefree child, without the modern worries I have today.

4. Describe a recent dream.
I actually haven't remember much of my dreams lately. I do vaguely remember, however, having a dream in which I was mad at Kevin for some reason. In the waking world, he was giving me a hug, and I pushed him away since I was still in the dream state. Funny how these things happen... of course, I apologized when I was fully awake. :)

posted by Courtney @ 11:13 AM
June 18, 2002
de colores

I'm messing with new colors for this site. Before, I was using Moveable Type's template "Trendy" for starters, but I'm trying to mess with CSS a bit and figure out how this thing works.

I never know whether to go with my light side or dark side.

Maybe mid-tones are where it's at. For those of us who are always in those gray areas.

posted by Courtney @ 08:12 PM
June 17, 2002

OS X users: IE 5.2 is here. It's sorta minor, but the Quartz text smoothing is yummy. Remember to upgrade to Mac OS 10.1.5 first, if you haven't done so!

Thanks to eric for reminding me.

posted by Courtney @ 06:07 PM
Monday Mission 2.24

Father's day is over, but it's time for the Monday Mission...

1. What does Father's Day mean to you personally?
It's a day to make a conscious effort to remember all that your father (or similar) has done for you as well as your siblings, his grandkids, and any other person that they have ever taken under wing.

2. Was there a Father, or a Father Figure in your life as you grew up?
Yes, my dad has always been there, since I was a baby up until now. I do remember times when he had to leave because of armed forces responsibilities, but that never made him care less.

3. a) If you are a parent, is the father of your child(ren) involved on a daily basis? Is that even important? or if you do not have children b) Would you like to become a parent? Would you be good at raising your own children?
I think I hafta include both A and B here. I'm not a natural parent, but Kevin has two kids who he is very deeply involved with every single day. He has rejected jobs that would take him away from his family more. He makes it a point to actually be home. OTOH, I would like to have a child of my own sometime soon. I think I would do just fine at parenting, seeing that I am testing the waters out. ;)

4. With Rosie, Callista, Jodie and Camryn all raising children without Fathers, Hollywood seems to be sending a message that children do not need male role models. Do you agree? Are these "stars" sending a good message to the young adults who admire them?
Although part of me thinks that these women are being selfish, I also think that maybe it's none of my business. If someone wants a child, they have every right to... as well as the adoptive children that deserve a home. I think it would be all right for a single mom to have a child on her own, but she really does need the support of a partner. Especially busy people like actors... how often will the kids see them anyways?

5. Do you think the absence of a loving, caring father in the life of a child could have any influence on their sexual preferences when the child grows up?
I doubt it. That's a weird assumption... it never dawned on me that this would be a cause.

6. Was there ever a time when your father became "uncool." Or maybe embarrassed you?
Heh, he embarasses me all the time, but I'm never ashamed to be around him. He's just... Dad, and that's what we all love him for.

7. Are you ever too old to kiss your Dad?
Of course not. But unfortunately, when he's gone, we cannot indulge in that.

BONUS: When you coming home, dad?
I don't know when. We'll get together then, son. You'll know we'll have a good time then.

posted by Courtney @ 11:38 AM
June 14, 2002
Friday Five 14-6-02

Sorry, a little late on this Friday Five.

1. How often do you do laundry?
Once or twice a week, depending on how dirty we got, and how lazy I am.

2. What's in a typical wash load? Clothes. A lot of 'em. We have a separate load just for black items, 'cause we're dark like that. I guess it means we're truly products of the San Francisco Bay Area. ^_^

3. Front or top loader? Powder or liquid detergent?
Hey, that's two questions.
We have a top loading washer... just recently bought our own. Sears rocks.
I have both powder and liquid detergent right now. We normally use powder, but I decided to try out this Trader Joe's brand for the next batch. We always use a perfume-free, dye-free detergent, regardless of the medium.

4. Do you use fabric softener in the rinse cycle?
Hell yes. Sometimes I think too much. It really does make a difference, to me... softer clothes for my sensitive skin, and longer lasting, too.
I have been complimented on my lovely fragrance of Downy by my co-workers. :)

5. Dryer or clothesline?
Dryer. I hate the stiffness of line-dried clothes. Plus the Dryer is faster... we bought an accompanying dryer with our washer, which has the greatest thing invented... moisture sensing. Oooo.

posted by Courtney @ 09:58 PM
Geek Talk

I know, I'm stealing this from memepool, but I found this highly entertaining.

Geeks say the darnedest things.

They do. ^_^

posted by Courtney @ 06:37 PM

I am now officially wireless! w00t!

We had bought a couple of Linksys WAP11s at Fry's a while back, and I couldn't get the base one to do crap. After lots of toiling, I gave up for a spell and didn't bother with it.

Until now. I looked at the box that I had opened and saw the stupid "Open Box" sticker on the front of the box. CRAP. That's not what I needed to see. This dilemma has happened TWICE to Kevin already in the past coupla weeks... and both items did not work when he plugged em in.

Dadgummed Fry's and their dadgummed Open Box stickers. >.

So I opened the "NEW" box that was sitting unopened and plugged it into our Asante Friendlynet Router. Booyah! I saw the signal bar on the Airport Control Panel shoot up. Success!

Thanks to Chris, who helped me through this shit. Although, I did get myself out of it... ;)

Then again, he got me into this as well. Damn you, Chris. Damn you.

Now I can compute in bed, in the kitchen and in the bathroom.

Not like I will... *g*

posted by Courtney @ 01:19 AM
June 13, 2002
Das Boot

I spent a nice couple of hours over at REI this afternoon trying to find some good, reasonably priced, hiking boots.

After an interesting exchange on the Forums, I decided against some all-terrain Nikes that I had looked at earlier this week at another store, in favor of a boot. Gotta have that ankle support.

I bought some! Salomon Exit Mid GTX boots. They're solid, and comfy.

I've been wearing them ever since I got home this afternoon to break em in. I feel mighty funny tromping around in the house in these things, heh. Seems like overkill.

Kevin called this afternoon... it was 1AM in London when he called. He had just returned from seeing Star Wars Episode II for the second time. Apparently, one of his UK co-workers, who is heading the Gathering, is a huge Star Wars nut. He made everyone wear Jedi Robes and yield light sabers all day. Hahaha. Even to walk to the movie theatre.

Makes sense, I guess. Game Developers = Geeks = Star Wars Nerds.

Or something.

posted by Courtney @ 07:37 PM
June 12, 2002
Lonesome Town

It's quiet 'round these parts.

Kevin's safe and sound in London, and begins his presentations tomorrow. Hopefully he isn't too jet lagged. He tried to find a few geocaches, to no avail... the GPSR pooped out on him more than a few times.

It's weird not having him around. Amazing how comfortable we get and don't realize it. Even just simply having him sitting in the same room was comforting, although we may not even be doing things together. It's just having that natural rhythm and rituals that makes us be at peace, I guess.

Had a hard time sleeping last night. Woke up this AM to see the kids off to school, and actually fell back to sleep "for just a minute"... until a bit past 10. Whoops. Thought I would go geocaching this morning. Instead, I went out and bought presents for dads and grads. THERE, American economy, are you happy now? ^_^;;

Did manage to visit one geocache this afternoon. Unfortunately, the cache had been vandalized last week. Lovely park in the middle of the city, I wouldn't have even known it was there. Too bad I forgot the camera. Again.

3 more nights...

posted by Courtney @ 09:40 PM
June 11, 2002
Beginning of an Obsession

This Geocaching stuff is really getting to be an obsession. I'm going on at least one every day since I've started. I even bought a new GPSR... threw down $248 on a Garmin eTrex Summit at Fry's this past weekend.

I dragged a bunch of friends out on some geocaches these past few days, too. I think I got Asa hooked. He wanted to go on trip to Yosemite today with Joe to hike and find caches, but Joe ended up having a date. Priorities, priorities.

Today, Kevin leaves for London, for The Gathering 2. It's a gathering of game programmers and developers, of course. Registered atendees get a free GeForce4 Ti graphics card, heh.

I'll miss him a lot. At least we'll be in touch online and all, but of course, it's not the same. Lucky guy gets to go on some geocaches while he's there, too. ;)

Must get through this week...

posted by Courtney @ 11:19 AM
June 05, 2002
geocachin' in

I found my first geocache!

I borrowed my dad's Garmin eTrex GPS receiver, and it worked pretty well. I think I hafta buy one of these babies or the next model or so up.

I got to the site in the early afternoon. I stupidly did not eat lunch beforehand, nor did I bring a water bottle with. I was baking in the sun within minutes. Once I started feeling dizzy and dehydrated, I headed back, without even finding the cache.

When the sun was going down, I returned to the site and found the cache right away! The disposable camera inside the cache was all used up, so I shot a photo of myself there. I left an IKEA yo-yo that I got on their opening day, and took a sticker (part of the original cache contents).

This is fun. I think I'm gonna do some more... granted that I'm more prepared next time.

Stupid newbie.

posted by Courtney @ 09:18 PM
June 03, 2002

Yay! It's my new home! Welcome to geeky chick dot net.

I just imported the entries from the CProductions Blog to this site. So if some stuff doesn't make sense, like references to and broken images, mostly, sorry. I'm gonna weed through the entries in good time.

posted by Courtney @ 01:57 PM
June 01, 2002
Onward and upward

I've made a decision.

I am gonna dive into freelancing again, and see where it gets me. I have a few clients and a few potential ones lined up, so it's a start. Now is the time for me to get heavily into self promotion, spiffying up my resume and doing some hard core research about the current market.

With this decision has come another... to make this here site (the one you are currently soaking in, Madge) my business site, centering on my portfolio, resume, and other professional doodads. So watch for my new personal site, geeky chick dot net, coming soon (there's nothing there right now, but hey, it's extra krispy. yum!).

If this whole freelancing thing falls through (which I hope it doesn't), you'll see me with my nose in the classifieds. Again.

posted by Courtney @ 11:24 PM
eye aye

Okay, I *had* to post this one.

You have Serial Experiments Lain eyes!
Take the test here! Made by Jenna and Robbie

posted by Courtney @ 10:45 AM