geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

It's quiet 'round these parts.

Kevin's safe and sound in London, and begins his presentations tomorrow. Hopefully he isn't too jet lagged. He tried to find a few geocaches, to no avail... the GPSR pooped out on him more than a few times.

It's weird not having him around. Amazing how comfortable we get and don't realize it. Even just simply having him sitting in the same room was comforting, although we may not even be doing things together. It's just having that natural rhythm and rituals that makes us be at peace, I guess.

Had a hard time sleeping last night. Woke up this AM to see the kids off to school, and actually fell back to sleep "for just a minute"... until a bit past 10. Whoops. Thought I would go geocaching this morning. Instead, I went out and bought presents for dads and grads. THERE, American economy, are you happy now? ^_^;;

Did manage to visit one geocache this afternoon. Unfortunately, the cache had been vandalized last week. Lovely park in the middle of the city, I wouldn't have even known it was there. Too bad I forgot the camera. Again.

3 more nights...

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