geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

I woke up this morning with a sore throat, sniffles and sneezing. Bleh. I guess what's going around has found me. This especially sucks, since I have midterms going on right now, and of course, Halloween is tomorrow. Bah!

I had a very long day, but thank Jeez that I have a long (read: 4-5 hour) break between my classes... long enough that I could come home and try to sleep some of this illness off. Not that it helped a lot or anything, but I think I needed the rest.

I sat in the campus cafeteria this evening, studying for my Japanese midterm. Um, or rather, listening to the band that was playing, watching the swirls of steam in my Earl Grey and practicing my pen spinning. Which, BTW, I have discovered that if you use a pen with more grip, like a PaperMate ComfortMate, it makes it a lot easier to practice and master the mad pen spinning skillz. Just thought you'd want to know. Anyways, the point is, I was way too spaced out to really study in the Caf, but I ended up doing all right on the midterm, despite the illness-induced wooziness.

I think I need to just dose out on more tea, get wrapped in the down comforter and sleep forever. Er, at least until I have a conference call from Hawaii tomorrow. Maybe I'll take the call while in my flannel jammies and fluffy slippers... that thought is certainly a novelty.

posted by Courtney @ 11:35 PM
October 29, 2002
security checkpoint

Airport job insecurity: When feds take over, many Filipino screeners will be unemployed.

I find the focus of this article kinda funny. It's true, pretty much all the security screeners at SFO are Filipino... my family has made many the off-color cracks like "nosy pilipinos, always in your business". I know, but hey, it's our own kind, we're allowed, right? ;)

But seriously, folks, I find it a little scary that there were over one thousand NON-CITIZEN security screeners working at airports around the bay area. I had no idea... that's a LOT. I think that this is a job more suited for trained citizens that can communicate well with the people they deal with every day.

(via MeFi)

posted by Courtney @ 11:42 PM
Sad Mac

No, I didn't get the dreaded Sad Mac icon, but I do have a sad mac today. My Titanium PowerBook G4/400, to be exact.

Read some of the grisly details (and some relevant discussion) on this thread on the MacNN Forums from a little while back. Here's the screenshot of what the Ti eventually regresses into... it is only now a mere few minutes before this happens these days. Is it possible that trying to install Jaguar fried my VRAM? Say it isn't so! :(

Anyone out there have any idea what could be going on? This is messed up, man.

Well, I don't have that AppleCare for nuthin'... gotta use it now!

But sleep first, would be good.

posted by Courtney @ 01:23 AM
October 27, 2002
all hallow's weekend

I tried my hand at making a picture-type pumpkin carving tonight, and I think it turned out pretty well, check it out:

Anyone recognize the character? It's Jiji from Majo no Takkyuubin A.K.A. Kiki's Delivery Service. If you haven't seen this film, rent it this Halloween night, and watch it while waiting for the doorbell to ring!

I'll be carving a Kiki pumpkin later this week to match Jiji. :)

I also spent the weekend baking Halloween cookies. I think I made 4 dozen sugar cookies and 4 dozen gingerbread cookies. I had all the neighborhood kids come over and decorate the sugar cookies, and then I started decorating some gingerbread today. Feeling domestic this weekend, I guess... heh.

posted by Courtney @ 11:17 PM
October 24, 2002

Hey, check it out!


I can smell your brains, you know.

posted by Courtney @ 08:45 PM
October 23, 2002
he will be assimilated

The power of the Jaguar continues to tempt all geeks.

On the most recent episode of TSS, they featured a House Call at Wil's home in SoCal. The spot was silly, but it was the phone interview that made me grin.

He recently got an iBook running Jaguar, and is loving it. Do I smell a switch commercial in the works?

Go Team!

posted by Courtney @ 04:54 PM
c'mon, fess up

Awright, who the hell tried to fax my voice line at 4am this morning? I was sound asleep, and having a pretty cool dream, and you awoke me with that damned fax tone.

Arrrrgh! It's all your fault that I feel so damned tired right now.

*shakes angry fist*

posted by Courtney @ 04:06 PM
October 22, 2002
you could go with this, or you could go with that

Last night, I spent the evening with Andy and Mish... had a quickie BBQ dinner and watched Andy kick some good roller hockey boo-tay. 'Twas a good evening. The funny thing was, right before I got to their house (spending 40 minutes in rush-hour traffic from Santa Clara to SAN JOSE, for chrissakes), the alarm on my Treo went off. What could it be?

I had forgotten that many many months ago (try sometime in the beginning of summer), I had discovered that my culinary hero, Alton Brown, was going to be in Los Gatos. Argh! But being the good friend I am(!), I decided to stick with my plan to go watch the hockey game.

It wasn't a big loss, really. I had a lot of fun, and forgot about my frustration with the traffic and missing out on Mr. Brown.

So where does this tie in for today, you ask? Yeah, I'm getting to that.

Today, I spent a lot of the day catching up on the school work that I had put off for the past coupla days... yeah, I know I'm bad. I've been slacking cos I've been outta sorts since Kev has been outta town. Amazing how I've watched more teevee in the past 3 days than I have in the past 3 months. So today, I was pretty good about working on my studies, and not doing any blog reading or surfing until noon (taking a page from Ealasaid's book).

I had class this evening, and I was all done with my work, ready to go. So then I start doing my blog reads and some various site surfing. I happened upon this page on Mr. Brown's site, and discovered that he had yet another appearance in the Bay Area, but farther away than last night. Hrrm. Should I stay or shall I go? I thought that I'd be a good girl and head off to class... do the right thing. Yay me, good for me.

I drive to Cupertino, to discover class was cancelled. Blah. Hence tonight's rant. I was just trying to do the right thing!

posted by Courtney @ 10:55 PM
it was bound to happen

It happens to everyone eventually.

I was just writing a lengthy post, and really getting into it, when my browser crashed and lost my post. Grr.

I don't know why, but I keep going back to IE, although I have Chimera set as my default browser. I think it may be because I have been too damn lazy to move my bookmark file over. I know, I know... such a simple thing, but I just never got around to it (no round tuit jokes, please).

I really don't feel like re-typing the entry. Sorry, dear reader. Maybe my thoughts will be even clearer tomorrow. :)

posted by Courtney @ 12:52 AM
October 21, 2002
No Logo

In relation to my post the other day about consumerism, I just found a pretty cool online documentary called No Logo (based on a book of the same name) discussing name branding. Good stuff.

I guess it's time for me to pick up this book... funny that Amazon is offering it with a copy of Culture Jam (which I already own). Excellent observations on our culture and consumerism.

posted by Courtney @ 11:32 PM
October 20, 2002

I'm staying at the folks' house tonight. I can't sleep.

And I forgot how BADLY the cat passes gas.


I need to bury my head in a pillow now.

posted by Courtney @ 02:31 AM
October 19, 2002
goodwill hunting

I had a recent discussion with Tonith last week about how style can cost you a pretty penny. The key word here is "CAN". It seems like there are way too many people that limit themselves to the well-known chain stores that the mall says they should buy their clothes at. They feel like they have to have a particular label so that they appear stylish.

I heartily disagree with this sentiment. You don't need to listen to those mall voices... you CAN look elsewhere to put clothes on your back.

As I write this, I am also recalling a blog entry by eric in which he went on a hesitant name-brand shopping spree. It's alright to get nice things at the name-brand stores, it really is. As long as it is not an obsession.

Why do I rant about consumerism? I just got back from a trip to Goodwill. I freaking love the Goodwill down the street. It's really well organized, and they keep it that way. Today, I bought a sweater, two skirts, a cell phone faceplate, a coupla pairs of pants for Iko, a shirt for Reb, and 2 cans of silly string for $40. And they're all new or look like new. Can't beat that.

I think that it's funny that Tonith said that I am one of the most best-dressed, together-looking women she knows, and that she is a walking billboard for Goodwill. Little did she know I totally dig shopping there.

Plus, I get to save my money for more important things. Like, uh, an iPod. Yeah.

I just wanted to give the love to Goodwill. They rock.

posted by Courtney @ 02:11 PM
October 18, 2002
senses working overtime

The outside world has been calling, and I have been answering as of late.

Keeping busy with classes, maintaining the household, and interacting with real people out in the real world (granted, they were random internet people, but still)... all these factors have been keeping me away from you, dear reader.

Hmm. Maybe I need to take a page from PromoGuy's book and concentrate on quality over quantity. I think that this method works well and makes for some good reading. Take for example, Antwon. He takes any subject and can write a verbose yet interesting entry on it. I'm amazed. Then again, I'm not much of a writer. ^_^;;

The rundown lately is that I'm doing pretty well in class... Japanese continues to confuse the crap outta me (although I'm faring decently), my unix class is deathly slow, my photo class is awesome (I am so glad to be back in the darkroom after all this digital madness), and I'm motoring along in Flash. I think I've mentioned before that I think being back at school, ANY school, has made me feel more like part of a community. Meeting new people and learning new things is just what the doctor ordered to get me out of this rut I've been in since being back in California and basically unemployed. For the first time in a long time, I've felt like I've had a place in the world... like I have a purpose.

Then I go back to browing craigslist and various publications for jobs and the vicious cycle starts all over again. The mounds of form letters saying "Thanks, but no thanks", and/or the lack of responses in general (even for CHEAP or BARTER contract jobs!) don't do a lot for this geek's ego.


I think it's about that time that I go out and find some coffee and run a few errands. Getting outside is good.

Oh, BTW... the image I've posted for you today is from a drive down to Santa Cruz two weeks ago... when Kev and I felt like we simply wanted to be out of the Silly Valley and go somewhere where we could see mountains, trees and ocean.

posted by Courtney @ 02:06 PM
October 14, 2002
resistance is futile


I gave in.

I upgraded my now-defunct iTools account to a .Mac account. And yes, I did wait until the last minute of the last day for an upgrade.

Funny that the half-off offer ends today, a federal holiday. Federal holiday means banks are closed. Closed banks mean that the deposit I made on Saturday has not gone through. Deposit that hasn't gone through means not enough moolah on the check card to upgrade.

I had to do it the old fashioned way. I called the 800 number, and was able to do a electronic check. Score!

Watch me pull the same crap next year, when I shall debate whether to pay $99 a year instead... oy.

posted by Courtney @ 11:20 PM
monday mission 2.41

Hmm. Seems like I need something to blog about. No better excuse than Promo's Monday Mission 2.41!

1. What's the most expensive meal you've ever eaten? What was the occasion? Was it worth it?
That would probably be when Kev took me to Chef Mavro in Honolulu for my birthday last year. It's a really great French-Hawaiian restauraunt, very unique. We ordered a multi-course meal from the fixed-price menu with accompanying wines for each course. Very very tasty and decadent, but with the price tag to go with!

2. What do you like to do when nobody is looking?
Other than dig my nose? Just kidding. Um, I like to sing along with the stereo. I don't have the guts to try and sing in front of anyone.

3. What's your special purpose?
To bring peace and justice to the world. Wait, no, that's Superman. I just want to make my little piece of this world to be a nice place to be... may that be my own neighborhood, my house, or just my bedroom.

4. Do you like Autumn? If so, why? If not, tell me about your favorite season.
Autumn is definitely my favorite, as I've mentioned in more than a few recent entries. I love the crisp air, the colors, the fires in the fireplace, the hot cocoa and the snuggling. :)

5. Ever recommended a movie to someone only to have them hate it? Which movie? Did you feel uncomfortable about that?
I've always had eclectic tastes in movies, seeing that I have a filmmaking background. Yeah, I'm a film snot. I've recommended movies to people that they come back to me and say "I didn't get it"... I dunno if there was ever a "I hated it". I don't feel uncomfortable with that, cos I realize we all have varying tastes, and most others know this as well.

6. I've had hay fever all day! Sniffles, sneezing, I tell ya, it's awful! Do you have any allergies? Anything that just gets you down for the count?
I have allergies as well. I thought that I was done for once summer was over, but apparently, I have autumn allergies as well. I didn't have many allergies in HI, prolly cos of the consistent climate and humidity. Hmph... welcome back to CA. I'll prolly have them every season, knowing my luck.

7. Do you like mixed drinks? What is your favorite? As long as we're here how about you order me something too? Just "suprise me!"
I do like mixed drinks, when I feel they are appropriate, and I'm in the mood. If you're talking about "girly drinks", I'll enjoy one every once in a while, but I can't stand it if there is a big show made out of it, with a fancy glass, bright colors, fruits, and little umbrellas. Ugh. I dunno if I want to order one, since it seems like you've had enough, mispelling "surprise" and all... ;)

BONUS: Why do we scream at each other?
This is what it sounds like... when doves cry.

posted by Courtney @ 10:56 AM
October 10, 2002
hai, so desu...

Interested in learning some Japanese? I'm taking a class this quarter, and DANG, is it challenging. I've had to look for some outside help. Luckily, there's plenty of it on the ol' Inter-Neat.

Mad props to Single Brain Cell Software for creating such simple but cool learning software for Japanese language students that runs in OS X.

There's a Hiragana & Katakana app (the most indispensable one for me!), Vocab, and Kanji. Awesome.

posted by Courtney @ 05:03 PM
October 08, 2002
take a whiff

Scents that I have taken in today, and enjoyed:

Scents I experienced today, and would rather forget:

I just realized I can breathe well... must be why my sense of smell is more sensitive today. Amazing, since I've been battling new allergies.

posted by Courtney @ 11:24 PM
EmTee BeeDay


Hippo birdie two ewe,
Hippo birdie two ewe,
Hippo birdie Em Tee,
Hippo birdie two ewe!

Movable Type turns one year old today... and with that, comes a spankin' new version. Download version 2.5 today! I'll be installing it sometime over the next coupla days.

posted by Courtney @ 04:48 PM
Weird Spam of the Day

Apparently, this company is looking for rich American investors.

They pride themselves on becoming "the biggest women sanitary nakpins mill in Jiangsu province."

Sign me up?

Date: Sat, 05 Oct 02 01:21:52 From: "fysxh" Reply-To: "fysxh" To: webmaster Subject: TAIZHOU FAR EAST PAPER CO.,LTD(Women sanitary napkin)

POST CODE: 225741
TEL: 0086-523-3840888      0086-523-3848888
FAX: 0086-523-3841888
EMAIL: [email protected]

business field: produce and sell Women sanitary napkin, sanitary pad, babydiaper, baby

brief introuce : Taizhou far east paper co.,ltd have come to be one of the  key producers in China specialized in  woman and baby sanitary products. Under our trademark "anjieer", we have three series of women napkins, underpad, and diaper. and totally more than 80 kinds of a key member of China national household paper industry association (CNHPIA), our factory have modern procucing machine and high lever inspection machine, and have some great quality of raw material. in the last tenyears, we expand our business extremtly fast with our new developmentproducts every year, and our products become more and more popular in 1999, we got honor as "special recommended products of China NationalWomen products exhibition" and " the most satisfied products  for customerin Jiangsu market".in 2000, we got honor of certicate of " Taizhou Famous brand products" and "Taizhou Famous Trademark".in 2001, we are proud of another honour of " Perfect quality products ofJiangzhou Province".our company occupied 25000 square meter,  8000 square meter constructionbuldings, more than 200 employee, and 15 automatic producing lines, with ananual output of 560 Million pieces, we have become the biggest women sanitary nakpins mill in Jiangsu province.

We would like to take order from abroad and OEM production, we have seen the brightfuture of our company  in the way becoming more and more strong in all factors of  design, development, producion, sales and service.

posted by Courtney @ 09:32 AM
October 07, 2002

Sorry that there hasn't been a lot of bloggage happening at this site in the past few days... real life calls. Being back at school, handling some freelance jobs, as well as maintaining a household kinda distracts me from the real fun stuff. ;)

There have been some updates to the link weblog... new entries, as well as a link submission window. Send me your fun, weird and interesting links!

If you were wondering who the cute little girl is that has been on the webcam still for a few days, it's my niece Maddie (Madeline). Isn't she a cutie? She came for a visit this past Saturday. Just so you know, I didn't shrink into a 2 year old.

Halloween is upon us... we're gonna go to a REAL pumpkin patch in Half Moon Bay this weekend, I think, and hand pick our punkins from the field. I'm pondering a cool pattern to put on my pumpkin for this year. This one is just downright frightening... and you can't scare the kiddies more than this one, for sure!

posted by Courtney @ 10:53 PM
October 03, 2002
180 to switch

The sorta-highly anticipated Tony Hawk Apple "Switch" ad is now up.


You can also read his written testimonial. A quote about his iPod:
"I've got the 10 gig, and I've got it engraved. It says, "Boom, boom, bling, bling." Boom, Boom is a tour that we're doing, and Bling, Bling is just bling, bling. It's a hip hop thing."

Although Hawk is not technically a switcher (he's been a mac user for a long time), this ad does appeal to a really large audience. The music they use in these ads aren't really complimentary to the skating footage, heh.

Check out the other new ads too. Kelly Slater (pro surfer) and DJ Q-Bert... as well as the "everday people" Gianni Jacklone (this ad in particular is pretty funny) and Richard Ziskin. As annoying as this ad campaign has become to some, it's proven pretty successful for Apple, with "thousands" of switchers since the campaign began.

posted by Courtney @ 05:02 PM
let the sun shine in

I know that autumn is upon us, which means colder climates and shorter days. But I've recently become quite attached to the sun lately. You know, that mass of incadescent gas, that gigantic nuclear furnace.

Last week, we opened up all the window coverings. The blinds, the curtains, everything. I had forgotten what an amazing difference that light makes in all the rooms. The house seems more open, inviting, and cheerful. Never mind that it was dark and lit by the blue glow of numerous computer monitors. Here comes the sun!

I also recently took down these ugly-ass plastic vertical blinds that the landlord installed over the sliding glass door in the dining room, and put up some cotton curtains... the rooms looks lovely with the sun peeking through them, and when the door is open, the wind gently puffing the curtains up is a lot more soothing than the CLACK CLACK of the damned blinds. I'm making a vow to take out all the blinds in the house. I hate blinds... vertical or horizontal, plastic or metal. Bleh.

But back to the subject of the sun... I'm savoring it all I can before daylight savings is upon us. I'm more than ready for the brisk days of autumn and winter. I love a sunny day that's a bit breezy and cool... perfect for a walk. Geocaching will also be a whole lot more enjoyable for me now, with the colors changing and the weather easing up. Can't wait! Bring out the sweaters, the scarves, and the hot cider!

Race ya to the leaf pile! ;)

posted by Courtney @ 04:14 PM

I'm wearing my first sweater in like, in 3 years! Chenille is warm and soft. :)

Autumn is officially here!

posted by Courtney @ 12:44 PM
October 02, 2002
minty eyes

I had no idea that it was a common thing in Japan to use minty eye drops (see this page on j-list for a couple of common brands, about 4 or 5 products down the page). I picked up a bottle of Sato Flash eye drops at Mitsuwa Marketplace this afternoon to try 'em out. I needed a pick-me up cos I was out and about for school from 8:30am till 9:10pm!

These drops that I got have menthol & camphor in them, I think. WOW, these things refreshed my eyes and made them all clear and white. I'm amazed. Yeah, so it stung a little at first, but it worked!

Whodathunk... mints for your eyes!

posted by Courtney @ 10:44 PM
October 01, 2002
higher education

I had forgotten what an interesting experience school is. I mean, not just for my learning experience, but the dynamics within the classroom itself. It's interesting to see how people interact with each other in the classroom context.

I have been reminded of the fact that there always has to be a smartass in each class... well, at least someone that likes to question the teacher's knowledge and credibility. Why do these students feel that it is necessary to argue with the teacher about these silly topics?

I am fortunate(?) enough to have a couple of these guys in my unix class. Last week, I think they spent about half an hour arguing with our teacher about what is the best OS... and of course, they all insisted that they were right. I mean, heck, people, we're not paying to hear you rant... no OS advocacy, please, I can get that for free elsewhere. They also keep interrupting the lecture and start spewing "other better ways" to do what the teacher is talking about. OKAY, guys, this is a beginner's class, and we're going by the book for now, so please zip it and let the rest of us learn. I will admit that the class is going a wee bit slow, but I think a review is always good. No harm done.

There was someone in class today that brought their iBook to class (running jaguar, of course), which I think is a good call. I think I'll bring my powerbook with next time. I do have a small issue with not having this class in the computer labs, where we can learn hands-on. We're taking notes off of the white board and overhead projector, which seems a little bass-ackwards to me.

Class is going extremely slow, but for fairly good reason. The original intro to unix class was way too intense... I believe it covered the entire textbook in one quarter. So they decided to stretch that cirriculum across three quarter-long classes starting this fall. It seems to me that the teachers are stumbling a llittle bit with the lessons because of this change, but I'm forgiving. -_^

The return to college has been interesting so far.

posted by Courtney @ 10:12 PM

Jeez... I think *I'm* cold, but then I take a look at the climate and weather extremes for the past week and feel a little better. 19°F in Bondurant, Wyoming this past Friday? Yeesh!

I need warmer clothes. Living in HI for a couple years didn't help my tolerance. O_o

posted by Courtney @ 11:36 AM