geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

It happens to everyone eventually.

I was just writing a lengthy post, and really getting into it, when my browser crashed and lost my post. Grr.

I don't know why, but I keep going back to IE, although I have Chimera set as my default browser. I think it may be because I have been too damn lazy to move my bookmark file over. I know, I know... such a simple thing, but I just never got around to it (no round tuit jokes, please).

I really don't feel like re-typing the entry. Sorry, dear reader. Maybe my thoughts will be even clearer tomorrow. :)


i have also lost posts and other work from making the fatal error of placing the computer's power strip close to where my feet rest on the floor. so i'm tapping along to some tune and suddenly *click* *whirrrrr* ...

i could be nominated for a Darwin award for geeks if such existed ...

transmitted by eric on October 22, 2002 09:37 AM

Nala feels your pain!

transmitted by Naladahc on October 22, 2002 12:32 PM

And yet people scoff when I tell them that I first write everything to a "post.html" file that's taken up permanent residence on my desktop. Harumph!

transmitted by Antwon on October 22, 2002 10:12 PM
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