March 31, 2002
Sugar Frosted

Hoppy Easter. Bawk bawk!

It was like any other Sunday. Slept in, made pancakes for breakfast, did the laundry, took an afternoon nap.

And then I spent a good deal of the day making Easter Cookies.

I did all right, considering I was out of disposable pastry bags, and only had 4 colors to work with. But that's not a big deal. All these cookies will probably disappear within a few days anyways!

We're preparing for the big move. Got the crap together for a garage sale in two weeks, purged purged purged. Garage sales attract... interesting people. The wacky ones come super early and act like stalkers... sitting in their cars in the light of the sunrise, watching your every mood. I'm not looking forward to the bargaining, either, heh.

Hmm. We need a link. Funny news is good.

Enjoy your week. :)

Posted by Courtney @ 10:21 PM | View/Add comments (0)
March 28, 2002
Take Me Back...

...back to da kine.

We're heading back to California! Kevin accepted a job at nVidia in lovely Santa Clara. We're not exactly sure where we're gonna live, but we're shooting for fairly close to the office. We'll see. Anyone have any suggestions for South Bay living?

Of course, I had to give notice at work. I turned in my two-week notice yesterday and it was announced this morning. So this day is already full of sadness and some tears around here. It's coming up so fast, and I think although everyone was expecting this, they're all shocked. It's really hard to leave this place because I really like the people here and the environment is just awesome. We're all sad.

Hmph. I'm here workin' workin' workin', and the highlight of Kevin's day today is the office-wide Quake game. Geeks.

Hmm. I should talk.

Posted by Courtney @ 09:49 AM | View/Add comments (4)
March 25, 2002

I slack. I think I blame the lack of caffeine.

I see you lurking out there, Zorgon. Help a sista out.

I had a pretty slow weekend, but I think that's a good thing. We needed the west and wewaxation. Caught a coupla foreign films, a yummy dinner at Ninniku-ya (Garlic Restaurant in Honolulu), sleeping in, and a impromptu hike down the Old Pali Highway. You can see the pictures I took on our little hike at my Photo Diary, including some cool Jackson Chameleons!

I did spend a lot of time this weekend on the ol' resumÈ. The time is growing nearer and nearer. Kevin did get an offer today, but we're waiting to hear from others to compare and discuss. Square shuts down officially this Friday! Tick tick tick tick... we're feelin' the pressure. I think I'm gonna put in my notice at work sometime this week.

What else can I say? It's a Monday. Back to work. Dragging feet. Craig had mentioned to me today that this is a four day week. Not for us publishing cronies. We work all the time. :P

Oh yeah, I gotta fit in some Easter cookie makin' sometime this week too. I love doing that... it's like painting to me. The mixing of the colors, the piping, the sprinkles, non-pareils, etc. I know that sounds painfully domestic, but I love to do it. Oh yeah, did anyone see my Christmas cookies?

Posted by Courtney @ 08:25 PM | View/Add comments (3)
March 21, 2002
Pictures of You

Eek! Sorry, no entries in a few days. I've been doing some updates to the site.

This is just a quick plug to let all ya'lls know that I have started keeping a Photo Diary on this site. This is to encourage me to shoot more photos and refine my skills. Come take a look, offer suggestions and such.

I am trying to get myself used to carrying around a camera all the time again. I used to carry my 35mm around ALL the time when I lived in the Bay Area. Why I haven't in Hawaii is beyond me. I think this day job thing has been kinda occupying my mind lately. I'm a dolt for forgetting to feed my creative side. Hmm. Maybe I should also carry the ol' sketchbook again.

That reminds me. My portfolio could use some updating. Damn. I need to start thinking about gettin' a new job... the problem is, where? Hopefully we'll know soon.

Posted by Courtney @ 10:35 PM | View/Add comments (1)
March 17, 2002
Chasin' Waterfalls

Today we chased waterfalls. Yeah, we did.

After a quick jaunt to downtown Honolulu to check out the St. Paddy's block party, which was really nothing more than lots of booze and fattening foods, we went a-chasing waterfalls. Don't you go singing that silly song now, children.

The rain was pelting the windward side of the island pretty much all day, but it was really clear and blue in Honolulu. We were driving back towards Kailua on the Pali Highway when we saw maybe three or four waterfalls alongside the highway. This gave us the spontaneous idea to go find more waterfalls along the H-3 highway, where I have seen literally DOZENS of waterfalls on my daily commute.

It was worth the detour. We did see lots of waterfalls streaming down the sides of the Koolau Mountain range. It's really a sight to see. Too bad for those twits driving too fast and tailgating us on the highway, never looking up once to behold the beauty of the land around them. For shame. But we enjoyed it. Too bad we can't really stop and take pictures... I woulda shared those with you guys.

I'll miss the natural beauty of these islands when I'm gone, for sure. Gotta enjoy it (and chase it!) while it lasts.

I made a corned beef brisket in the ol' crock pot, which was amazing easy. Threw the veggies, meat, seasonings and water in... and presto! Dinner was ready when we came home. Crock Pots rule. I've made a mean Tamale Pie in it more than a few times.

Oh, quick side (site?) note: the Forums are back, but I don't have the databases. It wasn't worth saving, so if you like, (re)register and post up a storm. It's all for you, folks! Make it a community worth visiting.

Posted by Courtney @ 11:23 PM | View/Add comments (0)
March 16, 2002
Pins and Needles

Kevin's back home today, and he thinks everything went well. Hopefully things are starting to come together, although the uncertainty remains.

I'm glad he's back, because for some reason, I sleep uncomfortably when he's away. Last night I fell asleep on my arm and it was full of pins n' needles when I woke up in the middle of the night. It's so weird when your arm loses all feeling and it just kinda flops around until blood flow is restored.

Anyhoo... we went to see Ice Age after grabbing a couple of Frappuccinos. A lot of good laughs to be had at this flick, and I think it'll do well. Gee, too bad that Fox shut down their animation studios.

Oh yeah, that Toy Commercial of a Trailer for Star Wars Episode II was shown. Heh.

Posted by Courtney @ 10:21 PM | View/Add comments (2)
March 14, 2002
Jet Setter

I'm just about to leave to drop Kevin off at the airport again. Yep, he's still in the interview stage. This time he's off to the Bay Area for a couple of interviews. I do hope for something back in the Bay Area, since I miss it so much... and to be near my family again.

What I wish for the most is for us to know something. The uncertainty is killing us. We've slowly begun to pack books up, and preparing to move. I'm also trying to decide when to put in my notice at work. I still want to be able to relax and see things before we go, but I also don't want to be short on cash. Argh.

I'm tired. Must be Thursday the 14th. What that has to do with anything, I have no idea. Just looking for excuses, I guess. -_-

On a completely unrelated note, my momma sent me an Italian charm bracelet with a cute little 18k computer charm on it. I've never seen these things. Maybe it's because I'm on a secluded island. Are these things really big on the Mainland?

Posted by Courtney @ 11:32 AM | View/Add comments (2)
March 13, 2002

This is annoying.

I have this piece of junk for a radio here at my desk at the office, and it randomly cuts out. It just decides that it's time to start hissing at any given time of day. But for some odd reason, I still go back to it every morning.

I'd wear headphones and listen to whatever I wanted to, if it wasn't for people poking at me all day with sticks. Either that or bothering me with some boring work thing. Can't you see here, I'm cruising the web and listening to loud music? Sheesh!

I've found a moment of solace in watching Frank the Cat groom this morning. He looks like he's recuperating well from his accident.


Posted by Courtney @ 09:31 AM | View/Add comments (5)
March 11, 2002
Middle Child Syndrome

Yes, THIS is my family.

(Click for larger view)

Well, my sister and brother, at least. I'm the middle child.

Middle Child syndrome makes some people all farked up, right? Seems like it affected the other siblings more than it did me... ;)

Posted by Courtney @ 03:15 PM | View/Add comments (5)

It's not quite March 11 in Hawaii yet as I type this, but it is close enough.

March 11 is the six month anniversary (gosh, I remember it like it was yesterday) of the tragic events of September 11, 2001.

Today, a new memorial (although temporary) will be unveiled at Ground Zero... The Towers of Light. These are two columns of light reaching a mile high into the sky. I think it's a great memorial. The real, permanent memorial is soon to come.

Take a moment today to remember those who have perished, their loved ones, and those who have shown us their great courage and bravery through this whole ordeal.

Posted by Courtney @ 12:01 AM | View/Add comments (2)
March 09, 2002
RSI Pays Off

Yeah, my wrist and my shoulders hurt. I've been toiling over the site since I got home from work last night, trying to come up with a better core page design, removing frames altogether and better navigation.

I just finished. And boy are my arms tired.


So anyways, after spending most of the morning and early afternoon doin' this stuff, Kevin and I are off to Dave and Busters for a few hours of kicking each other's butts at some games and havin' some good grub.

Playing arcade games is certainly not gonna help my RSI ;)

Catch you guys later! I promise to blog more often now. Not that there are too many readers... but I want to do it for my own sake.

Posted by Courtney @ 02:28 PM | View/Add comments (2)
March 05, 2002
Bless this Mess

Just a quick (maybe temporary) entry to tell everyone out there that YES, the blog is back, but the styles aren't (hence the default blue-ish color scheme on some of the pages). To be mucked with tomorrow. I'm too tired to do it now.

Posted by Courtney @ 10:58 PM | View/Add comments (0)