geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

Eek! Sorry, no entries in a few days. I've been doing some updates to the site.

This is just a quick plug to let all ya'lls know that I have started keeping a Photo Diary on this site. This is to encourage me to shoot more photos and refine my skills. Come take a look, offer suggestions and such.

I am trying to get myself used to carrying around a camera all the time again. I used to carry my 35mm around ALL the time when I lived in the Bay Area. Why I haven't in Hawaii is beyond me. I think this day job thing has been kinda occupying my mind lately. I'm a dolt for forgetting to feed my creative side. Hmm. Maybe I should also carry the ol' sketchbook again.

That reminds me. My portfolio could use some updating. Damn. I need to start thinking about gettin' a new job... the problem is, where? Hopefully we'll know soon.


toonie you know about Santa Barbara Studios?

I don't know if they do full length features but
they are a nifty digital fx shop. Had a friend
in grad school who worked there for a long time.

Just tryin to keep you guys outa the black hole
that is El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora La Reina
de Los Angeles...

transmitted by zorgon on March 25, 2002 09:37 AM
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