January 28, 2002
Me, Old Fashioned?

Couple Kissing in Train Station

Couple Kissing in Train Station
I'm probably an old-fashioned romantic if I'm Couple. Even if I'm not, I still have a flair for older things in life, while enjoying the new. Safety and tradition are old standbys for me, as well as taking things slowly. Beauty, in my eyes, is in the eye of the beholder. medstore-online.com

What piece of photography are you?

Find out at The Stock Photo Quiz.


Heh, this one's a pretty silly one. Stock Photos, what quiz will they think of next?

Mondays are usually not the high point of most people's weeks. I am no exception. I really have nothing to say (type?) today. Just winging it for the moment...

I got a Pyro Firewire Webcam off of eBay to use at the office, but I'm not sure how well it'll go over. Some people are paranoid about things like that. Or maybe they'll just think I'm a phr33k for recording selected moments of my life on the internet. *shrug*

Webcams are interesting things. People use them for different purposes, family, business, or pr0n (I hope those are mutually exclusive). I do get a strange IM every once in a while, but I shrug it off. Not like I'm flashing the camera or anything. Just parading my geekiness. :D

No one's commenting on this Blog. Ah well. I blab for blabbing's sake. Aloha.

Posted by Courtney @ 07:17 PM | View/Add comments (8)
January 24, 2002
Bleep Bleep

What Video Game Character Are You? I am an Asteroid.I am an Asteroid.

I am a drifter. I go where life leads, which makes me usually a very calm and content sort of person. That or thoroughly apathetic. Usually I keep on doing whatever I'm doing, and it takes something special to make me change my mind. What Video Game Character Are You?

I am an Asteroid. Sweet. I'm not really a character, then.

I thought I'd take today's entry and link you to a bunch of good online comics. If you don't read webcomics already, I highly suggest you do. Either that, or I'll beat you over the head.

MegaTokyo has great artwork, and it's one of my favorites. They may not be daily, but it's worth it.

Don't hate me for liking Little Gamers. They've had a few really good jokes, and at least they *admit* they're kind of a South Park ripoff.

Penny Arcade is a long time favorite of webcomic readers and gamers. For good reason... check it out.

Anyone that knows Albert Wu has seen him mention Sluggy Freelance at least a dozen times. Good stories in this one.

Player vs. Player is another good gamer comic. Maybe the fact that there's a main female character that's a gamer is a bonus... ;)

I also like Diesel Sweeties because of its retro feel. I haven't read too much of it yet, though.

That. is. all.

Posted by Courtney @ 03:13 PM | View/Add comments (0)
January 20, 2002
Jukebox Fun

I'm trying to make a digital jukebox. Here's My MP3 Collection so far (this link is an Excel spreadsheet). Most are legit MP3s, for the record. EMusic.comis an excellent legit MP3 source. They pay royalties to the artists. Sounds good to me! But yeah, I'm as guilty as most, in the respect that I used Napster and Audiogalaxy to get some hard-to-find and selected tracks.

I love my new Yamaha CRW2100FXZ (Lightspeed 16x10x40x External Firewire CD-RW). I highly recommend it. Got it at Outpost.com for $149 after rebate... a VERY good deal. Been using it for some well-overdue archiving and also for ripping more MP3's.

Just bought a copy of Tropico this afternoon, after playing the demo for a couple hours last night. It rocks. Bonus, it works in Mac OS X... but haven't tried it yet since I'm a OS 9 devotee. Anyhoo... I love sim games. But I have been almost afraid to play SimTower, one of my favorites, because it reminds me too much of the WTC. :(

X-Files tonight. I'm sure you've all heard that it's the final season. Time for me to admit that it's on its last legs.

Enough links from me for tonight. I'm working tomorrow, so enjoy the holiday, those of you that have it off, and take a moment to remember Martin Luther King Jr. and his legacy.

Posted by Courtney @ 08:42 PM | View/Add comments (0)
January 16, 2002
I Scream, You Scream

Anyone love Cold Stone Creamery as much as I? They finally opened one in Waikiki and I hit it up while on a business excursion yesterday, on a bright sunny afternoon. Ah, the pains of working in Hawaii. I had a regular sized coffee ice cream with a fresh brownie mix-in and caramel. Yum. Anyone have a favorite concoction there (hint hint, post some comments)?

More stuff I like. Quirky cute characters from San-X Japan. Now you know where I find my Afro Ken stuff. ;)

Today's web art: Google Image Search for "light in darkness".

Tonight is Happy Family Plan night on KIKU channel 9. IT IS TIME TO FACE YOUR DESTINY!

Posted by Courtney @ 08:10 PM | View/Add comments (0)
January 14, 2002
Life in a Kevin Smith Movie

You are passionate about what you want out of life, and some have even described you as coarse. But deep down inside you have a good heart and that's all that matters. Actually...all that really matters is that your boyfriend is Brodie!

Take The "Which Kevin Smith Female Are You?" Quiz!!

Nooo, I'm not Shannen Doherty! ;) Ah well. If you're a guy, take this test instead.

Monday... I stayed home today. Lingering illness, lack of sleep, deadlines at work and overall stress has taken its toll. Maybe I slept too much. The television sucked me in for a few hours, too. Thank [diety] it wasn't talk shows or "Daytime TV". Mostly Food Network, Discovery and Animal Planet. Oh, and laundry. Weeeee.

Back to regular life tomorrow. Whatever that is.

Posted by Courtney @ 04:49 PM | View/Add comments (2)
January 11, 2002

New core page. Weee. Integrated the Blog into the core page using frames, as you can see. I added a frame with my "picks" in different forms of media, probably to be updated monthly or maybe even bi-weekly, depending. Top frame now holds the Navigation Bar. I've never really used frames much before out of pure fear. ;) If you find any problems or bugs, please right away! If no problems, great... just let me know what you think by clicking "comments" below.

Yesterday I was so excited to go to the ONLY A&W restaurant on Oahu. It's all the way down Nimitz Highway, past the airport, near the Navy Golf Course. It's weird, too, because it's a combo A&W/Long John Silvers. I was disappointed because the workers decided to make the root beer floats BEFORE making the food. By the time I got back to the office, the floats had a golf-ball sized bit of ice cream left. Blah. But the root beer was good. Ah well, maybe next time.

Slow day at work... first one in a long time. Come visit us. :D

Posted by Courtney @ 12:10 PM | View/Add comments (0)
January 10, 2002
Talkin' With Myself

I'm sure no one is really reading this Blog. If you are, please leave comments for me. All ya hafta do is click the "comments" link below any entry. If no one is really reading, eh, s'okay... this is a good vent. ;)

Trying to figure out how to modify this page while keeping my layouts in GoLive. I guess it's just a matter of cut n' paste in the source code. Hmm. I guess I need to deconstruct it. Now to find time to do that...

I'm feeling a bit run down this week... I've had cold symptoms for over a month, just finished a 10-day round with Amoxicillin, and still feeling a bit sick. Dammit. I need to get more rest. Y'see, I'm a light sleeper. Kevin is a verrrry deep sleeper, and he seems to get by perfectly on 5 hours of sleep. So we're a bit unbalanced. :/ He has promised to go to bed earlier for a week to see if that helps... no disturbances, no interruptions, hopefully. And more sleep for me...

Nothing of real note today to put in the ol' Blog. Maybe I'll think of something later.

Posted by Courtney @ 02:43 PM | View/Add comments (2)
January 07, 2002
The Luxo iMac

Say Hello to iMac, again. It's so cute, I want to pinch its processor. I've already dubbed it the "Luxo iMac" because it looks like Pixar's Luxo Jr. :)

As with most new Apple product releases, it's sooo cool, I want one, but don't need one, it's too much money. Buy me one. ;) Bummed that I couldn't be at MacWorld SF this year, but hey, there's always next time... and it'll be bigger and better every time.

For those of you who want the Time Cover Story, look HERE ("TIME.com - Apple's New Core").

Posted by Courtney @ 09:13 AM | View/Add comments (0)
January 06, 2002
All Kids Love Blog

My neverending quest to add more doodads to this website continues. It's actually kind of fun.Thanks to WilWheaton.net and underachievers.com, I found some Blogging software (Movable Type) that's fairly easy to setup and use. After procratinating for who knows how long, I've finally started teaching myself a bit more about CSS. It's actually quite easy. I just thought I didn't need to know about 'em. I was sorely mistaken.

Anyhoo, I'm still testing MT out. Let me know what you think.

Posted by Courtney @ 06:48 PM | View/Add comments (0)