geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

You are passionate about what you want out of life, and some have even described you as coarse. But deep down inside you have a good heart and that's all that matters. Actually...all that really matters is that your boyfriend is Brodie!

Take The "Which Kevin Smith Female Are You?" Quiz!!

Nooo, I'm not Shannen Doherty! ;) Ah well. If you're a guy, take this test instead.

Monday... I stayed home today. Lingering illness, lack of sleep, deadlines at work and overall stress has taken its toll. Maybe I slept too much. The television sucked me in for a few hours, too. Thank [diety] it wasn't talk shows or "Daytime TV". Mostly Food Network, Discovery and Animal Planet. Oh, and laundry. Weeeee.

Back to regular life tomorrow. Whatever that is.


Dammit! They took down the Kevin Smith questionaire. I wanted to find out which characters my friends were. *sigh*

transmitted by Paul David Canniff on January 19, 2002 04:28 AM

Maybe it just got too much traffic. Hope it comes back up soon.

Almost every guy I've asked so far is Brodie, heh... ;)

transmitted by Courtney on January 20, 2002 08:46 PM
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