geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

this week's baker's dozen...


  1. got rice?
  2. mac nut waffles
  3. coffee comparisons
  4. public parking? where?
  5. the quest for dim sum
  6. a $33 poker pot
  7. kaboom!
  8. foie gras and corn dogs?
  9. above the orange trees
  10. driving, and driving some more...
  11. momma's day x4
  12. mosquito field day

courtster -

dont use benadryl. use a nose spray thing like Nasalcrom...from personal allergy woes, i would have to say they are 5x more effective and have no effect on you other than it stops allergies.

transmitted by jack on May 13, 2003 04:27 AM
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