geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

The sorta-highly anticipated Tony Hawk Apple "Switch" ad is now up.


You can also read his written testimonial. A quote about his iPod:
"I've got the 10 gig, and I've got it engraved. It says, "Boom, boom, bling, bling." Boom, Boom is a tour that we're doing, and Bling, Bling is just bling, bling. It's a hip hop thing."

Although Hawk is not technically a switcher (he's been a mac user for a long time), this ad does appeal to a really large audience. The music they use in these ads aren't really complimentary to the skating footage, heh.

Check out the other new ads too. Kelly Slater (pro surfer) and DJ Q-Bert... as well as the "everday people" Gianni Jacklone (this ad in particular is pretty funny) and Richard Ziskin. As annoying as this ad campaign has become to some, it's proven pretty successful for Apple, with "thousands" of switchers since the campaign began.

posted by Courtney @ 05:02 PM
let the sun shine in

I know that autumn is upon us, which means colder climates and shorter days. But I've recently become quite attached to the sun lately. You know, that mass of incadescent gas, that gigantic nuclear furnace.

Last week, we opened up all the window coverings. The blinds, the curtains, everything. I had forgotten what an amazing difference that light makes in all the rooms. The house seems more open, inviting, and cheerful. Never mind that it was dark and lit by the blue glow of numerous computer monitors. Here comes the sun!

I also recently took down these ugly-ass plastic vertical blinds that the landlord installed over the sliding glass door in the dining room, and put up some cotton curtains... the rooms looks lovely with the sun peeking through them, and when the door is open, the wind gently puffing the curtains up is a lot more soothing than the CLACK CLACK of the damned blinds. I'm making a vow to take out all the blinds in the house. I hate blinds... vertical or horizontal, plastic or metal. Bleh.

But back to the subject of the sun... I'm savoring it all I can before daylight savings is upon us. I'm more than ready for the brisk days of autumn and winter. I love a sunny day that's a bit breezy and cool... perfect for a walk. Geocaching will also be a whole lot more enjoyable for me now, with the colors changing and the weather easing up. Can't wait! Bring out the sweaters, the scarves, and the hot cider!

Race ya to the leaf pile! ;)

posted by Courtney @ 04:14 PM

I'm wearing my first sweater in like, in 3 years! Chenille is warm and soft. :)

Autumn is officially here!

posted by Courtney @ 12:44 PM
October 02, 2002
minty eyes

I had no idea that it was a common thing in Japan to use minty eye drops (see this page on j-list for a couple of common brands, about 4 or 5 products down the page). I picked up a bottle of Sato Flash eye drops at Mitsuwa Marketplace this afternoon to try 'em out. I needed a pick-me up cos I was out and about for school from 8:30am till 9:10pm!

These drops that I got have menthol & camphor in them, I think. WOW, these things refreshed my eyes and made them all clear and white. I'm amazed. Yeah, so it stung a little at first, but it worked!

Whodathunk... mints for your eyes!

posted by Courtney @ 10:44 PM
October 01, 2002
higher education

I had forgotten what an interesting experience school is. I mean, not just for my learning experience, but the dynamics within the classroom itself. It's interesting to see how people interact with each other in the classroom context.

I have been reminded of the fact that there always has to be a smartass in each class... well, at least someone that likes to question the teacher's knowledge and credibility. Why do these students feel that it is necessary to argue with the teacher about these silly topics?

I am fortunate(?) enough to have a couple of these guys in my unix class. Last week, I think they spent about half an hour arguing with our teacher about what is the best OS... and of course, they all insisted that they were right. I mean, heck, people, we're not paying to hear you rant... no OS advocacy, please, I can get that for free elsewhere. They also keep interrupting the lecture and start spewing "other better ways" to do what the teacher is talking about. OKAY, guys, this is a beginner's class, and we're going by the book for now, so please zip it and let the rest of us learn. I will admit that the class is going a wee bit slow, but I think a review is always good. No harm done.

There was someone in class today that brought their iBook to class (running jaguar, of course), which I think is a good call. I think I'll bring my powerbook with next time. I do have a small issue with not having this class in the computer labs, where we can learn hands-on. We're taking notes off of the white board and overhead projector, which seems a little bass-ackwards to me.

Class is going extremely slow, but for fairly good reason. The original intro to unix class was way too intense... I believe it covered the entire textbook in one quarter. So they decided to stretch that cirriculum across three quarter-long classes starting this fall. It seems to me that the teachers are stumbling a llittle bit with the lessons because of this change, but I'm forgiving. -_^

The return to college has been interesting so far.

posted by Courtney @ 10:12 PM

Jeez... I think *I'm* cold, but then I take a look at the climate and weather extremes for the past week and feel a little better. 19°F in Bondurant, Wyoming this past Friday? Yeesh!

I need warmer clothes. Living in HI for a couple years didn't help my tolerance. O_o

posted by Courtney @ 11:36 AM
September 30, 2002
birfday pix

Photos from Friday are up...

...from our little adventure on my birthday. This is the first batch of pictures I took with my new camera. Comments are welcome!

posted by Courtney @ 10:52 PM
Monday Mission 2.39

Promo has a new cell phone! *jealousy* Yeah, I'm a gadget girl, so what?

Time for this week's Monday Mission!

1. Who has authority over you?
Mostly myself. It really depends on what I'm doing, I suppose. Y'know, work, school, whatever. The only person I *let* have authority over me is Kev. ;)
You're not the boss of me!

2. Where do you go to get a feeling of community?
I get a feeling of community at school. Sounds corny, but it's true. Ever since I've been back in school, I've felt more of a part of a community. I'm liking it so far... it's not all about going to classes and getting an education, but being around a diverse group of people that are like-minded and have similar goals.

3. What do you do, or have you done, in your life that "goes against the tide?"
Hmm. It's all subjective, but I think that I've never really gone *with* the tide all that much. I'm sure a lot of people will say that. As the saying goes, "I want to be unique... just like everyone else!" ^_^;;
I've never really been a girl's girl, if you know what I mean. I've always been referred to as "the smart, quiet one". And you know... I don't mind one bit. I dunno if you can say that staying true to yourself is necessarily "going against the tide", but heck, not too many people really do so.

4. Guilt can be a powerful weapon. Those who have mastered its power can very good at getting what they want. Have you ever used guilt to get you what you want? Have you ever had it used on you? How did you react?
Oh, I can write novels on this one... but I won't. Many people that know me are aware what guilt does to me... I am a SUCKER. I take responsibility for a lot more than I should. This unfortunately leads to people taking advantage of me, but I think I've gotten a better handle on it recently. I often feel horrible for myself when people lay the guilt on me, and succeed.

5. I was walking through the mall Friday night and saw a lot of teenagers who dressed really wild and just acted like idiots - not caring who was looking or what others thought. And I remember being that way, having that kind of freedom. I must have looked like a fool then too. Did you ever do anything in public with your friends as a teenager that you would never do today? Tell me about that.
Y'know, I actually think that teenagers *do* care who's looking and what they think. That's why they act the way they do... they WANT the attention. When you're that age, you want everyone to look at you. You want to impress people and make them laugh. It's all about ME ME ME. I'm sure I was guilty of some of that kind of behavior, but as I said earlier, I was always the quiet one.

6. I don't watch the television show "Survivor," but I did notice they allow each contestant to bring one "luxury item" to the deserted island with them (make-up, a book, etc.). If you were to go to an island for three months, what five "luxury items" would you bring and why?
I would definitely bring a toothbrush, as silly as it sounds. I can't stand morning mouth. Bleh. Or a hairbrush, cos my hair gets really horrible at times... either that, or I'm just way too picky about it.

7. If you would have had a choice, in which time period would you have like to have lived? Why?
I would have loved to witness the decades of the 20's through the 40's. I know that's a broad range of time, but it's within a lifetime. :) There was so much going on during those times... innovations in almost every industry. The times of war, the times of political change... I would've loved to witness it all.

BONUS: Where do you dare me to draw the line?
If you take one step further... I'll moitalize ya!

posted by Courtney @ 11:36 AM
September 29, 2002
big WHAT?

I took this picture while waiting at a stop light in Sausalito the other day. Funny how our eyes play tricks on us.

(click for larger image)

posted by Courtney @ 09:10 PM
the revenge of nekkid day

Tonight was poker night, which also served double duty as a second llittle birthday party for yours truly. The best birthday gift of all was a surprise visit from Bri (who now lives in Washington state)!

We had the PokerCam on for a while, but switched to a videoconference with Bri's wife back in WA, for some fun real-time video chat. Sorry if you guys were hoping to watch some hot poker action. ;)

Some of my friends chipped in together and got me a Olympus VN-1800 digital voice recorder. It'll come in handy for school, as well as recording my many ideas that I have while on the road or on the go, including blog entries! I've learned that it's dangerous to try to scribble in your Palm while driving, heh. Wow... another gadget to add to my collection. Jeez, now I need a man purse for all these gadgets!

Now to bed. Mmm... sleep.

posted by Courtney @ 01:56 AM