I've been pondering my existence.
My blog existence, that is.
And you may ask yourself
How do I work this?
And you may ask yourself
Where is that large automobile?
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful house!
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful wife!
I've been re-evaluating what a weblog is to me. Chalk it up to a few things: a discussion on this topic at the last blog meetup, this recent entry by Kevin, the pruning of my blogrolls, todd's departure and return to blogging, and my on-and-off reading of the book We've Got Blog.
Most of us start weblogs for personal reasons. Some of us for professional reasons. Consider me as one of the former... I am a personal blogger (hear me roar. meow.). I started to blog for myself... to chronicle everyday happenings, thoughts, and of course, the sharing of links. Yeah, sure, I've had my occassional sammich post, but who hasn't? ;) expressmedscanada.com
Not to sound like a blogging snob, but I've been tiring of seeing the same links, the same stories, the same blogs over and over. Like most, I love a well-written, thoughtful weblog. When I come upon such a blog, I tell myself that this is what it really should be like. I prefer the community that forms with like-minded people that make pensive comments, and to steer away from the link-hungry, stat-boosting crowd.
To each their own, but this is how *I* feel about it. Please do not feel like I am talking about anyone in particular, or pointing fingers. This is something I've been pondering for a while now.
I know this: I am going to make a bit of an attempt to take my blog back. I am not blogging for an audience. I am not here for your amusement. I need not apologize for not blogging every day. I need not be simply a link filter. We've got other sites that do that for us.
Maybe every blogger goes through this identity crisis. Maybe it's just a phase, heh.
Same as it ever was.
...Seems like it, huh?
I have a couple of blog entries in the works, saved as "drafts", but they aren't ready for the world yet. They just need a little coaxing.
I'd say something profound, but words escape me.
caffeine low. big time.
and I feel too lazy to grind more beans. oh, the agony...
I fell asleep for about two hours early this evening, because I took half a Benadryl. Now I can't sleep.
Kevin was gracious enough to handle laundry and other Sunday duties while I was passed out. Now he's snoring away in his office chair. Maybe I should wake him, because his neck is gonna have a big ol' crick if he doesn't move.
But he looks so... restful.
it's been 7 months since I wrote my 100 Things list (and I never had a permanent link from the main page to it! shame!), and I figgerd it was about time to updated it... because things change.
That, and I totally lack for content today. ^_^;;
added text is in blue, if you're just lookin' for the updates.
more rain. it always seems to come on the weekends, and that just bites.
so much for the cherry blossom festival events this weekend!
tonight, we have our usual poker night, but I guess for the meantime, we're confined to indoor spaces... which usually means cleaning house or napping. I prefer the latter, of course. Maybe I'll play more Tropico to get my dose of computer-generated tropical weather. Heh.
what do you do on your rainy days?
Wow, anyone who's anyone in the geek world is gonna be at Gnomedex in July. I need to make plans, and now. We've been just talking about it for a couple of weeks, with no solid plans. When I say "we've", I mean, like a group of four. Aw yeah! We're gonna ring in the big three-oh in good company!
The summer is coming up faster than expected. It looks to be a busy one! The spring quarter at school ends at the end of June, we are hoping to take a vacation, and I may be teaching computer camp for kids in August. Phew!
But I do need to get my gnome on, in a big way... and the only way is gonna be in Iowa... w00t!
My hair is at an awkward stage at the moment.
It's long enough to be put into a ponytail, but it's a cute stubby spray of a ponytail. It's also long enough to be annoying as hell when it dries naturally, with the layers underneath flipping out while the outer layers turn in.
I dyed over my highlights in attempt to return to my natural color, but now that is fading, and you can see my dark roots again. Blast. I even dyed my hair over blue last month, but that was short lived, and was barely noticeable.
So I'm pretty darned overdue for a haircut, but I am unsure of what to do with my tresses. I always tend to go shorter with my hairstyles, but I do so like having longer hair that I can tie back, as well. I've even considered bangs for a change.
I just need to decide what to do with my hair and stick to it. Gawd, I'm such a girl.
geeky chick is in a poopy mood.
geeky chick had a dental procedure done this morning that made her grumpy and grumbling in pain.
yes, folks, it's the long awaited crown on one of her eye teeth.
maybe more later... just thought an update was in order.
Blogger's Block. Meh. It hits us all every once in a while (some of us more than others, but who's naming names? heh).
For me, it's not necessarily a lack of energy, creativity, or a lack of things to talk about. There have been a lot of not so happy events (for the lack of better words) that have happened in the past couple of days. I hesitated at first to post about this, but I feel that you should know as well (if you do not already know). Robyn and Todd, as well as Ed have suffered some terrible losses over the past couple of days. It makes me... sad, but mostly pensive.
I think these events have actually just pushed me to live my life more, and blogging was on the back burner because if it this past weekend. Take time today to enjoy today... the people around you, your surroudings, and your own lives. Yes, I know a lot of you are snowed in today... a perfect opportunity to spend time for yourself... read a book, cuddle with a loved one.
Sorry to sound sappy, but I guess I just am right now.
So, I'll have the house to myself this weekend. It'll be quiet, but only if I want it to be.
Any suggestions on what I should do?
Top contenders:
Today, in my photo history class, we were briefly discussing the long-debated subject of photography as an art.
In the early 20th century, more and more people were using cameras. The common man had access to cameras, like George Eastman's brownie. Photographs were mainly a document... to capture scenes, landscapes, objects. But now, people were starting to express themselves through photography. We were seeing found objects from new perspectives. Photo montages rose in popularity.
But was this art? Many debated (and some still do) that photography was just a form of documenting. If it resembled art, it was only in the eye of the beholder, because the photograph was only a form of expression from the person who created the image.
IMHO, I think that's enough justification for a photograph to be considered art.
What do you think? Is photography really an art? Is it mechanics or science or documentation? I think it's all of the above.
And I'm gonna continue shooting pictures as long as I can.
I'm bummed that I never got to The City yesterday... the only way I had of contacting peeps at the disco party was via Gnome-Girl's cell phone. I'm not sure what happened, but I called her voicemail in the late morning, but never heard back... either everyone slept in way late, or everyone was just plain gone.
Well, besides Lance... *now* I know that. Waaah. I missed out meeting some of mah blogging peeps.
And I missed some good sushi too. Damn.
BAH! Mikey tagged me with a snowball first. Now it's time for me to wreak more havoc in the 2002 Blogger Snowball Fight...
The holidays are upon us. For many, this season brings joy.
Throngs of shoppers have descended upon the shopping meccas of our cities and towns. Strings of Christmas lights, images of a rosy-cheeked Santa Claus and a barrage of holiday sales have been foisted upon us. The commercialism of the holidays are unavoidable. For many, this season will bring stress and empty pockets.
I heartily encourage all of you out there to participate in Buy Nothing Day on this upcoming Friday, 29 November.
Simply don't buy anything. Go outside, spend time with loved ones, read a book... just don't succumb to the retailers' "First Offcial Christmas Shopping Day of the Season". Please do visit the Buy Nothing Day web pages to find out more information, download materials, and read about the history, debates, reports and news about this day.
This year, my holiday gifts will mostly consist of mostly yummy cookies of all sorts and hand-printed photos. Not just because of my lack of fundage, but also to minimize my consumerism during this time. I think that everyone should do something to curb their consumption, especially at this time.
It's especially hard, for the geek in me, who always wants shiny new things with buttons, but I do try. :)
What will *you* do?