geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

So, I'll have the house to myself this weekend. It'll be quiet, but only if I want it to be.

Any suggestions on what I should do?

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If it were ME I'd be anti-social and play TSO all weekend and surf. OMG I just clicked on your TODAI link and I think I need to move to california! I want to go! Ok, so if it were me, I'd be anti-social and play TSO all weekend and take breaks to run to Todai. =:D Take me to Todai! LOL

transmitted by Laserone on February 4, 2003 12:50 PM

Buy a Roomba, grab a bag of chips, plop down on the couch... and watch it go, pointing and laughing the whole time. Maybe drop a few crumbs in front of it so it feels appreciated.

transmitted by Mike on February 4, 2003 03:16 PM

hmm. my one experience at Todai did not leave me with the warm fuzzies. there's *so* much better sushi to be had — 'round here anyway — and at comparable, if not better prices. MHO, of course. :)

hey C — when you going to that Avedon show? :)

transmitted by eric on February 5, 2003 12:57 AM

I don't go to Todai for the sushi, I go for the rest of the seafood, and the company. :)

I don't see myself plunking down the money on a Roomba.

TSO may be a big part of my weekend. Depends on how lazy I feel.

Eric ? not exactly sure when I will go to the Avedon show, but I will let you know. Sometime within the next coupla weeks...

transmitted by courtney on February 5, 2003 11:23 AM
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