geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

Blogger's Block. Meh. It hits us all every once in a while (some of us more than others, but who's naming names? heh).

For me, it's not necessarily a lack of energy, creativity, or a lack of things to talk about. There have been a lot of not so happy events (for the lack of better words) that have happened in the past couple of days. I hesitated at first to post about this, but I feel that you should know as well (if you do not already know). Robyn and Todd, as well as Ed have suffered some terrible losses over the past couple of days. It makes me... sad, but mostly pensive.

I think these events have actually just pushed me to live my life more, and blogging was on the back burner because if it this past weekend. Take time today to enjoy today... the people around you, your surroudings, and your own lives. Yes, I know a lot of you are snowed in today... a perfect opportunity to spend time for yourself... read a book, cuddle with a loved one.

Sorry to sound sappy, but I guess I just am right now.


snowed in?

check out my car:


transmitted by Jack on February 17, 2003 12:58 PM

well i always believe your "real life" should always come before an "online life". my blog is just a place for me to post things on my mind or mindless ramblings when i feel like it. i don't let it own me. it's just not heathy.

transmitted by grant on February 18, 2003 04:38 PM

well i always believe your "real life" should always come before an "online life". my blog is just a place for me to post things on my mind or mindless ramblings when i feel like it. i don't let it own me. it's just not heathy.

transmitted by grant on February 18, 2003 04:43 PM

You could always check out "the topics blog" next time u get bloggers block: It's kinda neat.

No prob. taking a day for yourself. I didn't even blog yesterday because I was just in a plain 'ol bad mood.



transmitted by Laserone on February 18, 2003 04:51 PM
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