geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

Wired News talks about an up-and-coming third-party mac manufacturer today. Is this a project doomed for the circular file?

I was one of the many saddened by the shutdown of the mac clone-licensing six years ago. It was a bummer, with cool companies like PowerComputing in the running. I fondly remember the above campaign... who doesn't? ;)

The iBox is really lovely looking. It's flat like a pizza box, has all the amenities (firewire, airport, USB, gigabit ethernet), and the kicker... it's upgradable. Consumers demand a machine like this, and it looks to start at 250-350 US$. BTOs between 650-2000 US$.

Sounds too good to be true! But alas, it just might be that.

As cool as the iBox sounds, I have serious doubts that Apple will back it up. Their notorious reputation for monopoly overshadows all. Or maybe it's just Steve's reputation.


shouldn't TINA stand for TINA Is Not Apple? (instead of This Is Not Apple?)

looks cute though.

i was the proud owner of a PowerComputing box. it served me well. and in its final days it ran LinuxPPC! :)

transmitted by eric on April 2, 2003 02:58 PM

Definately, Apple will not endorse these products. Expect a lawsuit touting DCMA violations.

I'm not sure why they're bothering with such a mac-like custom chassis though. I love the look of my G4 (and the last 19 macs I've owned) but if you're making an iCheap project, use standard cases. There are lots of nice, functional and inexpensive (yet expansive) case housings out there, and using something off the shelf allows for future upgradability. Look at the back of that mock-up; its already locked in what motherboards and cards that can be used.

Power Computing rocked. And Motorola was planning laptops with stuff we haven't see yet. Sigh...

Remember Outbound? They made a Mac laptop by scrounging old Mac Plus or SE ROMS, and put 'em on their own motherboards. Neat.

transmitted by Quinn on April 2, 2003 04:06 PM

Does MAC enjoy digging it's own grave or what? They should really learn to share with the other geeks on the playground or else they'll have to live under that stereotype of being the hardware driven monopolizing niche market forever!

transmitted by Compu Kraut on April 3, 2003 08:13 AM
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