geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

July 08, 2003

get lei'd

Another project is launched! I have been working on and off on this site for many many months now... it may look simple, but the site went through a few redesigns & restructuring, and is finally done (well... it's missing a small amount of content, but the bulk of my work is done)!

The Weddings Planners is a business run by a former co-worker of mine in Hawaii. Keri still maintains her day job at the magazine, runs The Wedding Planners, and is a full-time mother of two to boot! If you or anyone you know is looking for assistance in planning an island wedding, look them up!

Also be sure to check out her book, Hawai'i Weddings Made Simple.

Comments on the site are welcome. :)

posted by Courtney @ 12:06 PM
June 06, 2003
friday finds

No, I still haven't finished those unfinished entries. I need the time to put more thought into them. In the meantime, here's some Friday Finds! The best part about SF Bay Bloggers is all the cool new reads I've been finding... here are some of them!

I'll add comments on each link later, but I gotta run! Work today! Enjoy the links :)

posted by Courtney @ 08:51 AM
May 22, 2003
support the cause

My dear friend Joe (whom I've known since we were silly teenagers), at a mere age of 26, has been diagnosed with a brain tumor which is cancerous. Needless to say, I was floored when I heard the news. Joe was the last person I would suspect that would be hit with such an ailment. But he's a fighter, and he's gonna kick this thing in the ass.

I am adding a little gray ribbon to my site (as well as sporting a real one on my lapel), courtesy of Support the Fight, to encourage awareness of Joe's and many others' illness. There are other ribbons to represent other types, if someone close to you is fighting a different kind of cancer.

Support the fight. Choose Hope.

posted by Courtney @ 09:20 PM
April 21, 2003
like mike

The blogger formerly known as Mikeintosh is back in town after a long hiatus. Yay!


Send your love (and correct your links to) He's back with the same old wit, macintosh and general geek talk... 'cept he's now a Radio user. Welcome back, Mike!

posted by Courtney @ 04:22 PM
April 18, 2003
i seek you

Apologies for the lack of posts these past couple of days. The least I could do is provide you with some places to go. Here are my freshest Friday Finds:

  1. humor, wit and Super Battles
  2. All of the Good Names Were Taken: insert witty description here
  3. The Colonel Sanders Conspiracy: he puts an addictive chemical in his chicken that makes you crave it fortnightly
  4. Comedic Cadavers: delightful randomness

Please share some of your Friday Finds in the comments as well! Enjoy your weekends!

posted by Courtney @ 05:01 PM
April 11, 2003
windows to the world

geeky chick strikes the web again!

My latest design endeavor is a collaboration with Lockergnome. It was a particularly interesting project for me, since it deals with the Windows side of things, whilst I'm a primarily Mac chick.

But nonetheless, it's a site with good ideas and pointers great stuff for you to download.

Please check out Windows File of the Day! Return and share your thoughts if you like... don't worry, I'll wait right here.

Fear not, the Mac version is soon to come! Thanks to Jake and Chris for giving me the chance to work on such a project.

posted by Courtney @ 12:20 AM
April 08, 2003
tuesday linkage

I don't really have a lot to say today, mostly cos this is the first week of the Spring Quarter, which in turn makes a very busy geeky chick indeed. Here's some links of interest for the moment:

Enjoy your Tuesday! :)

posted by Courtney @ 11:35 AM
March 13, 2003
workin' it

It's all about the networkin', baby.

Check out Ryze, a cool business networking site. Find people to help you with a professional project, or just find others out there with similar interests to your own!

Why don't you start at my Ryze page? Why aren't you in? Everyone else is doing it. ^_^

(via G)

posted by Courtney @ 05:27 PM
February 13, 2003
new radio show!

My friend Robyn is trying his hand at this inter-web radio thingy.

Tune into his Shoutcast Station, "The Robyn California Show" at 6pm PST (9pm EST) for some fun discussion on "The state of the world, Duct Tape, how the French Suck, Valentine's Day, and how Love sucks", but not in the same breath, I assume...

Details at his radio webpage,

posted by Courtney @ 04:22 PM
January 14, 2003
bloggin' lovefest

Today, 14 January 2003, is the first official Bloggin' Lovefest!

Robyn has come up with a wonderful idea... to share the bloggin' love. The concept is simple: choose a blog you love and tell the rest of the blogiverse about it in 1,500 words or less. We've had enough finger pointing, pouting, and trolling in our blogs as of late (or as Robyn puts it, "it seems like the whole world wide web is on the rag right now"). C'mon, feel the love!

I would like to introduce you all to Eric.

Eric's blog, Balance in Motion, contains a lot of content much like my own... Macs, photography, the outdoors, geek culture, and of course, daily random thoughts. Only he does it in a much more articulate way than me. Must be that Stanford education. ;) I often feel smarter after reading a typical Eric post. Either that, or just plain confused, heh.

Take, for example, this recent entry:

so ... if you say "the metaphor has broken down," you have created an implied metaphor, no? namely, comparing a metaphor to a machine. so it's a metaphor involving a metaphor, or meta-metaphor.

it turns out, according to Webster, that the etymology of "metaphor" carries us to the Greek "metapherein," meaning to transfer. "pherein" itself means to bear. extrapolating forward, you might say that "phor" on its own should bear the same semantics if used in English.

hence, since the sentence "the metaphor has broken down" itself bears a meta-metaphor, the utterance could be called a meta-metaphor-phor.

hm. i need help.

See what I mean? I had to re-read that many times over to finally get it. Isn't it great?

Eric takes beautiful photographs. Check out his gallery, if you don't believe me. I tend to live vicariously through his pictures of the great outdoors.

A minor, but otherwise essential fact is that Eric also has great taste in music and film. Oh, and *terrific* taste in coffee. ;)

Whose blog do ya love, baby? Participate in the Bloggin' Lovefest, too!

posted by Courtney @ 01:12 AM
November 27, 2002
gotta get yourself connected

I was honored to be mentioned in Robyn's blog today and I didn't even know it.

Robyn's blog, Ain't too Proud to Blog, is the Second Best Known Blog in "Name that Blog", as well as the woman who brought you the Boobies to Florida campaign that I mentioned a coupla weeks ago.

Here's a link back, cos I share the love... plus, it's her birthday! Go and share your love. Now.

posted by Courtney @ 10:33 PM
November 19, 2002

I have food on the brain.

I so totally diggin' The Sandwich Project (aka the URL of Sandwiches, haha). This site features recipes for many delicacies, such as...

And some strange concoctions such as:

Make sure you visit the site and enter in your own sandwich creations! I'm interested in learning what you peeps pile between a coupla pieces of bread. Heck, I might even try it out, if it sounds appetizing... share some of your faves with me in the comments!

Since this is a UK site, there's plenty of Marmite sandwich recipes for the connoisseur of brown yeast spread... which I do partake in occassionally.

posted by Courtney @ 01:47 PM
October 21, 2002
No Logo

In relation to my post the other day about consumerism, I just found a pretty cool online documentary called No Logo (based on a book of the same name) discussing name branding. Good stuff.

I guess it's time for me to pick up this book... funny that Amazon is offering it with a copy of Culture Jam (which I already own). Excellent observations on our culture and consumerism.

posted by Courtney @ 11:32 PM
August 16, 2002
ow, my ears... my sides...

I know, I've been sharing a lot of linkage lately. But they've been good ones, dammit.

You need to hear miserablemelodies dot com to believe it. Someone has actually taken the effort to compile the worst recordings of our time. Why, I have no idea.

William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, David Hasselhoff, Fabio and more display their vocal talents (or lack thereof)!

But the musical stylings of Portsmouth Sinfonia... I don't know whether to say genius or just plain painful. Oh. my. effin' gawd.

posted by Courtney @ 12:56 AM
July 10, 2002
sell out with me tonight

Ya gotta give the love to videos of American stars whoring themselves to Japanese corporations!

Must sees: The Simpsons hawking C.C. Lemon soft drink, and Nicholas Cage plugging a pachinko company (my personal fave: "On the Road").

I stayed up way too late LMAO to this stuff.

posted by Courtney @ 11:25 AM
July 05, 2002
ads, ads, ads

I was bummed when AdCritic shut down many months ago (not like it's new news).

AdAge (Advertising Age) has acquired AdCritic, and they're gonna relaunch the site better than ever... but no datehas been announced just yet. I signed up for their email update, so I'll pass on the good news when it's announced.

In the meantime, I've discovered for all my commercial viewing needs... seeing that I don't watch enough TV to know what my friends are talking about when they say, "Have you seen that commercial...?"

posted by Courtney @ 09:39 PM
June 27, 2002
Blues Clueless

This is too much. I can't decide if it's cool, or weird, or both.

Steve is an actual human being. And he doesn't always wear green striped shirts.

Or just so absurd, that I like it. Or maybe it's because he's got a picture of Domokun on his site.


posted by Courtney @ 12:21 PM
February 25, 2002
Quirky Desu Ka?

A lot of us geeks really dig Japanese culture. I am lucky enough to live in an area that is really saturated by this culture, and I love it. I love that I can go to the market and get yummy Japanese foodstuffs, get Japanese products at a local department store, and get pick up quick sushi, ramen or curry as easily as picking up McDonald's (or comparable fast food chain).

You too can get Japanese products, in the comfort of your own home. First off, try J-List for all sorts of products, including snacks, magazines & books, toys, t-shirts and some wacky stuff mixed in! You don't need to tell me why you're buying this item.

For good snackage, keep an eye on the site is revamping for 2002 and looks very promising!

I also like to buy Asian pop culture products from the Giant Robot Store (and they make a great magazine, as featured in my "Picks"), as well as the YOLKshop (another good mag). Filipino(a)s can find some great stuff at

Some great fun can be found at where they feature Japanese products/signs using their mangled version of the English language. Funny, funny stuff. This phenomenon is also known in lesser circles as "Japlish".

I can go on and on. I'm not EVEN going to venture into Anime and pop culture... at least not yet. :)


posted by Courtney @ 10:27 PM