geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

A lot of us geeks really dig Japanese culture. I am lucky enough to live in an area that is really saturated by this culture, and I love it. I love that I can go to the market and get yummy Japanese foodstuffs, get Japanese products at a local department store, and get pick up quick sushi, ramen or curry as easily as picking up McDonald's (or comparable fast food chain).

You too can get Japanese products, in the comfort of your own home. First off, try J-List for all sorts of products, including snacks, magazines & books, toys, t-shirts and some wacky stuff mixed in! You don't need to tell me why you're buying this item.

For good snackage, keep an eye on the site is revamping for 2002 and looks very promising!

I also like to buy Asian pop culture products from the Giant Robot Store (and they make a great magazine, as featured in my "Picks"), as well as the YOLKshop (another good mag). Filipino(a)s can find some great stuff at

Some great fun can be found at where they feature Japanese products/signs using their mangled version of the English language. Funny, funny stuff. This phenomenon is also known in lesser circles as "Japlish".

I can go on and on. I'm not EVEN going to venture into Anime and pop culture... at least not yet. :)



When I lived in hawai'i, you could get saimin (ramen) in McDonald's, let alone as easily as McDonalds...

But forget saimin, I really miss the little manapua shop in Manoa. And the spicy ahi poke from the Safeway right next door. Mmmmm....

transmitted by Dave on February 28, 2002 04:23 PM

I've never tried McD's saimin. Maybe I'm paranoid. ;) McD's now has plate lunches, imagine that! 2 scoops rice with a chicken cutlet or hamburger steak... and I think at one point they offered the McRib with it. Heh.

Don't forget the Teri Burgers!

Oh, and Honeydew shakes that taste like Melona bars... mmm.

transmitted by Courtney on March 6, 2002 10:15 PM
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