geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

This weekend's Baker's Dozen:

  1. Gotta Getta Gund
  2. cardboard box mountain for Clean-Up Day
  3. Warwalking the Castro
  4. Sprocket and cream cheese
  5. peculiar car fire
  6. Eric's housewarming party
  7. echeng's faboo camera and photography
  8. Poker in the Sunset
  9. Andy's crabs
  10. Pocky, Pocky, Pocky!
  11. Jing Jing's Orange Peel Chicken
  12. Far From Heaven


Oh, I have childhood dreams of pocky. I haven't had that stuff in years. It's a little hard to find where I'm from. ;)

transmitted by kat on March 24, 2003 06:23 PM

"is this turtly enough for..."

transmitted by Jack on March 24, 2003 08:53 PM

Yay!!! Pocky!!! We found a product translated to "Men's Pocky" once and I thought, "wow! how special, just for me!".

transmitted by Nala on March 25, 2003 02:16 AM
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