geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

Sorry about the lack of content I've been having these past couple of days. Blog farts, I guess. Anyways, I have a bit of a rant to share.

I was driving to class this morning, when I saw an early-nineties sedan driving a little bit ahead and to the right of me. Not just any run-of-the mill sedan, but one sporting an American Flag, hanging off of the left rear passenger window.

What is so bad about that, you ask?

The flag was damaged beyond repair. It was frayed, torn and in very sad shape. If the Flag is damaged in such a way, aren't you supposed to retire it in a dignified fashion? Isn't it more patriotic to retire your flag if it has served its duty, and give it proper respect?

The US Scouting Service Project says:

When the flag is in such condition, through wear or damage, that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, it shall be destroyed in a dignified manner befitting such a symbol. The traditional way is to cut the flag into pieces and burn it in a modest but blazing fire. As we perform this respected duty, let us reflect on the design and meaning of our flag.

I've seen way to many flags lately that are sadly threadbare and falling to pieces. That doesn't really show much respect, although I'm sure the intentions are to fly their flags as long as they can to show patriotism.

What *is* patriotism, these days, anyways?

The current issue of Lenswork magazine has a photo collection of American Flags across the country. It's a cliched photograph by now... but people continue to shoot numerous photos of the flag waving... of people declaring their patriotism and shouting never ending choruses of "United We Stand".

Honestly, I'm almost tiring of this imagery. I know the events over the past couple of years have shocked everyone and made them sad, angry, and most of all, loyal to their country. But there *is* a limit, isn't there? Can't we just let it go and move on? Can we concentrate on making our country better instead of trying to make it even with the people and countries that we have been damaged by?

I'm often not one to rant about politics and related issues, but this brief moment this morning made me think a bit.


i know, i live in NYC and i see huge flags outside people's houses all frayed and nasty.

i'm not shocked at the lack of effort to keep the flag in good condition but i wonder why bother putting it up at all.

transmitted by Jack on January 23, 2003 08:53 PM

the other day I heard someone say, "people who enjoy waving an american flag don't deserve to."

transmitted by james on January 24, 2003 12:20 AM

You've just hit on one of my pet peeves. Both in Minnesota and Texas I've noticed that a number of the car dealerships have multiple flag poles all waving the flag. You know, so that it's "patriotic" to shop there or something. Yet so many of those places let their flags fly until they look more like they are crying for help than promoting patriotism (and commercialism). It seems if they're going to wrap themselves in the flag they should at least have the common decency to fly decent flags.

Rant off...

transmitted by Ewan Grantham on January 24, 2003 06:24 AM

i suppose they could be making symbolic commentary on the current state of the union with respect to the degree to which we are(n't) honoring the founding priniciples of this country?

nah, they're probably just lazy. the fad's wearing out.

transmitted by eric on January 24, 2003 11:30 PM

Another appearance of the Stars and Stripes that bugs me... the posters that are on many retail stores that say "America: Open For Business", and it has the flag with shopping bag handles on it. How disgusting is that?

I hate that the flag degenerated into a symbol of fashion and consumerism after 9/11. A pity.

transmitted by courtney on January 26, 2003 08:19 PM
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