geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

I'm currently munchin' on a vegemite sandwich.

How d'ya like me now?


I've always wanted to try that stuff, I've just been a little scared. I suppose I should just grab the bull by the horns, eh? ;)

transmitted by GeekGrrl on January 1, 2003 07:56 PM

It's worth trying, if you're adventurous. ;) No really, try it. Vegemite is an acquired taste. Yeasty, salty goodness. Now wait, that sounds gross...

A lot of Americans hate vegemite (marmite, etc). It's just that us dumb gluttonous Americans tend to slather everything spreadable a half inch thick onto breads or crackers... vegemite should just be lightly grazing your bread.

transmitted by courtney on January 1, 2003 08:17 PM

Gotcha. Spread it thin. Duly noted. ;)

transmitted by Dumb Gluttonous 'Merican on January 2, 2003 11:35 AM

LOL, not to say that I'm not, either... unfortunately.

*pats hips*

transmitted by courtney on January 2, 2003 01:36 PM

You call *those* hips?! That ain't nothin'... Lemme show you MY hips... ;)


transmitted by GeekGrrl on January 3, 2003 05:18 AM
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