geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

Man, this year's holiday season has been one of the worst so far.

The series of storms sweeping through the area aren't helping much... I had to brave them for most of the afternoon yesterday to try and accomplish some Christmas shopping. What a miserable day! My favorite part was parking blindly (with all the windows fogged up, and a huge downpour going on) into a parking spot at the bookstore, only to open my car door to a knee-high puddle surrounding my car.

I was in a crazed state trying to finish up gifts for our long distance friends and family. Got them all wrapped and packaged for shipping... but now we can't find the one of the damned addresses. *sigh*

Apologies to my fellow Bay Area Webloggers that I did not make it to this month's meetup. I completely forgot about it amongst the craziness of the season. I've been forgetting a LOT this week. I can't wait till this is all over.

Add this all to typing up a holiday letter and sending the Christmas cards, doing holiday baking, doing a couple days worth of freelance work at a location a hour away... and oh, don't forget that I am the ONLY one in this house taking care of the gifts... what a horrible holiday stew!

And to think, I thought that being back in the Bay Area this year would make my holidays easier. No freakin' way, Jose.



Forgot about us? *sniffffffle* And on a night when I actually had the evening off and was able to show up almost on time. Poodoo.

transmitted by Ealasaid on December 23, 2002 08:08 AM
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