geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

Rock on. Those of you who are fans of The Sims, or would like to be, skits has created a blogger neighborhood for us, where the sims are set on full autonomy so we can witness how we would interact in the SimWorld.

I'm in House #5, with hoopty, Julie and PJay.

[edited post 12 Dec 02, thanks to mikey]


don't get confused, now. this ain't sims online. it's all on her computer, and none of us can watch/play. but when skits plays, she takes caps, and posts them.

i swear, that sounds like the most boring thing ever, but (especially since you have absolutely no control) you end up watching and rooting for your sim to do stuff.

so far, the only thing i've seen you do is get caught using the bathroom. hahahahah but you have a cool outfit, at least.

transmitted by mikey on December 12, 2002 04:36 PM

ah, I did get cornfused, since skits was talking about having people come and visit. my bad.

transmitted by courtney on December 12, 2002 04:51 PM
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