geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

I visited my family yesterday after work, since this particular job is in the East Bay. It's pretty nice to get to see them on a regular basis... sure beats being three thousand miles away, that's for sure.

I did get to see my brother's new Windows box, which is pretty sweet. It was about darned time that they upgraded, because my family usually waits at least 5 years before upgrading. The horror! It certainly made him pretty happy, especially since it resides in his room.

When I went to take a look at it, he was playing Command and Conquer Generals. This was basically my first look at the game in play. It made me gripe again about the a big issue I have with the mac platform... we have an extreme lack of games available for our platform. Bah. What to do?

Well, at least we have a windows machine here that is used solely for gaming. But I think it's due for an upgrade or two. ;)

*sigh* I'll just go play Tropico for a little while...


And there will never be that many games for the Mac. And if they do come out, it will be 18 months only after a successful Windows roll-out.

Such is the existence of the Mac gamer, regardless of how apply try to say "they hardware is a great gaming platform".

transmitted by Naladahc on April 11, 2003 11:23 AM

I've pretty much always been on a Windows box (except back when I used my trusty Commodore 64/128), but have long sympathized with Mac users for the lack of available gaming goodness. It's a travesty, and one that needs to be rectified. Let's all go to Wozz' house and pester him until he makes someone do something about it. :)

(NOTE: While I'm a Windows user primarily, I have used Macs in the past and get around just as well on them. Gaming would probably be the top reason I don't actually own a Mac. Lawd knows after a hard day of work I feel like blowing the bejeezus out of something.)

Ah well. At least we both can make Cowboy Bebop Anime Music Videos on our machines. :D

transmitted by Mikey on April 11, 2003 02:31 PM

I was just reading in MacAddict that Peter Tamte of MacSoft (founded the company, left it and then bought it back again) has a pretty impressive line of Mac games on tap for the next year. And he says the other Mac shops like MacPlay, Aspyr and some others are also getting their games in gear.

Fret not and lust not for a silly PC box. If you need games then get a PS2.

Nice to meet you, Geeky Chick. We're blog neighbors!

transmitted by Johnny Huh? on April 11, 2003 03:35 PM

Hi there...
first time caller here.

Wow, just from this one post I'm guessing you're every geeky guy's dream come true! My husband likes to visit your site..I'd better keep an eye on him ;-)

transmitted by Ginny on April 12, 2003 06:53 AM

Last I checked she was spoken for (more's the pity), so your hubby should be relatively safe. :D *sigh* Good, available, geeky chicks are just so hard to find these days...

transmitted by Mikey on April 12, 2003 04:15 PM
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