geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

WTF is up with Amazon's "Gold Box"?

They say that the offers within my Gold Box are based on stores I've browsed in the past... so why am I being offered an Indoor/Outdoor Generator, an Anne Geddes Baby Sunflower Doll, a Harry Potter talking room alarm, and a Wagner Model 305 Wide Shot Power Painter?

The world may never know.


WTF is right, I just checked mine out, today's offer extrordinaire? Brother MFC-9700 Flatbed Laser Multifunction ...a $500 photo-copying machine! Just what I've always wanted. rofl!

transmitted by liz on September 20, 2002 02:42 PM

Is Amazon trying to tell us something we don't know?

transmitted by courtney on September 22, 2002 06:41 PM

Pah! we don't get Gold Boxes on

transmitted by sian on September 26, 2002 02:07 PM
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