geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

I'm stoked. I went to Mitsuwa Marketplace in San Jose today... we discovered that place a few weeks ago... and it has a Kinokuniya Bookstore inside!

I spent a good amount of time this afternoon browsing each section of the Marketplace. Their grocery section is bigger than any other asian market I've seen in the states... and I love it! I didn't have any "real" groceries to buy today, so I raided the snack sections.

I came away with some good stuff... including, but not limited to: Pocky, Tohato Maple Puffs, Carl Curry Puffs, Seasoned Nori, Mug Ramen, Shelley Senbei, and the dreaded C.C. Lemon we all know and love (hocked by the Simpsons!).

I need to go back when I have more time (and money) to burn. Lots of J-Pop CDs to buy... hee!


Pocky! Oh no! Hide it, quick!

*runs down road after kids charging up 101 in search of Pocky*

transmitted by zorgon on September 6, 2002 12:42 PM

I have a plethora of Pocky. I will taunt you with my plethora of Pocky.


That actually sounds kinda bad. Heh. ^_^;;

transmitted by courtney on September 10, 2002 12:28 AM
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