geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

I'm convinced that ice cream is evil.


I have been eating rabbit food, as proclaimed a few days ago. Tonight, the last bits of a pint of Godiva Vanilla Ice Cream with Chocolate Caramel Hearts were calling me.

The damned evil frosty confection. It's breaking my stride!


I will eat more salads. I promise. And I'll stop fighting with myself out loud.

"I'm kicking my ass!" (quick, what movie is that from?)


Nooo noooo noooo!
Thinking ice cream is evil, is evil!
*performs exorcism*
Your plan is good though. I'm trying that myself.


transmitted by zorgon on July 12, 2002 12:55 PM

what plan? :p

and coffee is better? must... resist... iced mocha...

transmitted by courtney on July 12, 2002 04:02 PM

The "more salad" plan.

No, coffee is not "better" ... ;)

transmitted by zorgon on July 12, 2002 06:00 PM
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