March 21, 2002
Pictures of You

Eek! Sorry, no entries in a few days. I've been doing some updates to the site.

This is just a quick plug to let all ya'lls know that I have started keeping a Photo Diary on this site. This is to encourage me to shoot more photos and refine my skills. Come take a look, offer suggestions and such.

I am trying to get myself used to carrying around a camera all the time again. I used to carry my 35mm around ALL the time when I lived in the Bay Area. Why I haven't in Hawaii is beyond me. I think this day job thing has been kinda occupying my mind lately. I'm a dolt for forgetting to feed my creative side. Hmm. Maybe I should also carry the ol' sketchbook again.

That reminds me. My portfolio could use some updating. Damn. I need to start thinking about gettin' a new job... the problem is, where? Hopefully we'll know soon.

Posted by Courtney at March 21, 2002 10:35 PM

toonie you know about Santa Barbara Studios?

I don't know if they do full length features but
they are a nifty digital fx shop. Had a friend
in grad school who worked there for a long time.

Just tryin to keep you guys outa the black hole
that is El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora La Reina
de Los Angeles...

Posted by: zorgon on March 25, 2002 09:37 AM
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