Today we chased waterfalls. Yeah, we did.
After a quick jaunt to downtown Honolulu to check out the St. Paddy's block party, which was really nothing more than lots of booze and fattening foods, we went a-chasing waterfalls. Don't you go singing that silly song now, children.
The rain was pelting the windward side of the island pretty much all day, but it was really clear and blue in Honolulu. We were driving back towards Kailua on the Pali Highway when we saw maybe three or four waterfalls alongside the highway. This gave us the spontaneous idea to go find more waterfalls along the H-3 highway, where I have seen literally DOZENS of waterfalls on my daily commute.
It was worth the detour. We did see lots of waterfalls streaming down the sides of the Koolau Mountain range. It's really a sight to see. Too bad for those twits driving too fast and tailgating us on the highway, never looking up once to behold the beauty of the land around them. For shame. But we enjoyed it. Too bad we can't really stop and take pictures... I woulda shared those with you guys.
I'll miss the natural beauty of these islands when I'm gone, for sure. Gotta enjoy it (and chase it!) while it lasts.
I made a corned beef brisket in the ol' crock pot, which was amazing easy. Threw the veggies, meat, seasonings and water in... and presto! Dinner was ready when we came home. Crock Pots rule. I've made a mean Tamale Pie in it more than a few times.
Oh, quick side (site?) note: the Forums are back, but I don't have the databases. It wasn't worth saving, so if you like, (re)register and post up a storm. It's all for you, folks! Make it a community worth visiting.
Posted by Courtney at March 17, 2002 11:23 PM