geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

March 31, 2003

puttin' on the ritz

My dad has had a moustache even before I was born. Heck, even before my older sister was born. The only pictures I have seen of him without it were in his Navy days, and when he was a wee lad (of course). It's his thing, his trademark... everyone who knows him has always known his smiling moustached face.

Nothing has prepared me for the shock of what he did this morning (sent to me by my sister).

I'm guessing he's having fun with it over spring break (he's goin' to Disneyland, Vegas, and parts in between with Mom and Bro). Mom doesn't know yet, she's at work. I wish I could be there for the unveiling.

Hmm, I wonder if he should consult The Moustache Database as he grows it back. A new style, perhaps...? Eh, I think not. We want our fuzzy lipped father back. ;)

posted by Courtney @ 11:05 AM
March 02, 2003
Let's see that dust fly with that broom

How to spend a day cleaning your room
(if you're 12 years old)

posted by Courtney @ 11:52 PM
February 02, 2003
cold wash, cold rinse

Sunday is almost always laundry day at our house. Piles and piles of dirty laundry line the hallway, as everyone sorts their clothes into piles by color.

What I find funny is that we have a HUGE stack of dark clothes. Even funnier, we now make a separate stack for reds and blacks, since there are so many.

I think we need a little more color in our lives. ^_^;;

posted by Courtney @ 11:47 AM
January 21, 2003
let me hear your body talk

A surefire winter blues killer is to exercise.

I know, I just said a bad word, in terms of us pale computer geeks. Heaven forbid.

Kev and I have been really tired, really run down, really stressed and off and on depressed. You can't chalk that up to just the winter blues. We openly admit that we are out of shape and barely energetic. The ocassional hike is just not good enough to keep us going day to day.

I don't really like gyms, because they've always ended up becoming pick-up joints where everyone dresses to impress and people hit on you at the water fountain. I kinda like all-female gyms, but there aren't any close to us. So yeah, we're going to buy an in-home exercise machine. Weee.

We've been keeping our eyes out for a good price on an Elliptical exercise machine, because we both have knee problems. Man, those things can get pricey! We finally found one of these yesterday on Craigslist for $250, and we're gonna take the plunge. We need it.

Props to Nala for reminding me that exercise is a good mood-blaster!

posted by Courtney @ 04:18 PM
December 22, 2002
everybody wants some
Today was spend baking copius amounts of holiday cookies. May I tempt you with a moist gingerbread cookie frosted with royal icing, or a butter cookie with various colored sprinkles?
posted by Courtney @ 01:15 AM
December 08, 2002
twinkly lights

Isn't it purdy?

Mad props to Andy and Kev for getting the darned thing to stand straight.

We went out towards Castle Rock again and picked up a tree (sorry, no caching today!)... had the experience of cutting it ourselves this time! So amazing, the difference between this freshly-cut tree and the off-the-boat trees we would get in Hawaii. It's so green, so soft, so fresh-smelling! Can't beat it.

Throw in a fire in the fireplace, good friends, and some Australian Port... we're all good. :)

posted by Courtney @ 01:08 AM
November 15, 2002
signoff: KitchenSink (broken pipe)

Disclaimer: The following is not an exciting story, but just some venting of frustration. Feel free to skim.

We've had this clog in our kitchen sink for a coupla weeks now. I take responsibility for this one, cos it started after I stuffed some pumpkin guts down the garbage disposal. Not a lot of pumpkin guts, mind you, and I also took care to run the disposal every time I put a scoop full of the orange pulpy mess in there.

Yes, I know, I shouldn't do that again. I don't know why I did it... the 4 previous pumpkins had their guts stuffed into the trash can.

Anyways, the water has been running really slow since then. We used the Drano... twice. Maybe even more over the past coupla weeks. I now know that this is not a good idea. Not only could this junk eat away at the plumbing, but the fumes can be nasty, and the chemicals aren't exactly earth friendly. Couldn't afford a plumber just yet... so we just dealt with the slow running drain for a few weeks.

Last night, we ran the dishwasher. I think that this was the breaking point for the ol' kitchen sink. The basins filled up *completely* and didn't look like it was gonna drain. Lovely. I carried buckets of the murky water to the bathroom to dump it into the toilet. Gross. Once down to a managable depth, I stuffed a towel down into the disposal and started plunging the other basin. A little better, but draining was still extremely slow.

Next came the run to OSH. I picked up a plumber's snake and a Drain King to try to do this myself.

This project was over as soon as it started. I had Kev help me feed the plumber's snake through the drain, only to be greeted by a puddle of water at our feet within seconds.

Oh crap.

The snake had broken straight through through the U-pipe. Happy day.

The pipe was so thin and brittle, I thought it was cheap plastic. Turns out that the pipe is really brass, and it was really really old. We have the plumber here now trying to remedy the situation.

At least we get to deduct this from the rent now.

Happy Friday!

posted by Courtney @ 11:28 AM
November 06, 2002
*koff koff*

So a certain tweenage girl has decided that to rid the house of the smell of her pet mouse, she must spray cheap perfume all over the house. And I mean ALL OVER.


I came home from class this evening to find the horrid scent wafting through the front door. My nose wrinkled in disgust. This wasn't gonna help my allergies at ALL. I made Kev open all the windows and doors, as well as turn on some fans. Never mind that it's frickin' cold outside and that it's the windiest day of the year. The house reeks!

I think I spent well over an hour in the garage just waiting it out. While I was at it, I started cleaning the garage. What the heck is wrong with me? Oh well, I guess it was as good of an excuse as any to tidy up the messiest area of our home.

I was hungry for dinner, but I was being driven outta my own home by the sickening smell of "champagne". It's still pretty bad right as I type this... hope I can survive the night.

I just looked at Kev and said, "Hey, she's not *MY* kid, I dunno where she gets her crazy ideas."

posted by Courtney @ 11:21 PM
October 27, 2002
all hallow's weekend

I tried my hand at making a picture-type pumpkin carving tonight, and I think it turned out pretty well, check it out:

Anyone recognize the character? It's Jiji from Majo no Takkyuubin A.K.A. Kiki's Delivery Service. If you haven't seen this film, rent it this Halloween night, and watch it while waiting for the doorbell to ring!

I'll be carving a Kiki pumpkin later this week to match Jiji. :)

I also spent the weekend baking Halloween cookies. I think I made 4 dozen sugar cookies and 4 dozen gingerbread cookies. I had all the neighborhood kids come over and decorate the sugar cookies, and then I started decorating some gingerbread today. Feeling domestic this weekend, I guess... heh.

posted by Courtney @ 11:17 PM
October 03, 2002
let the sun shine in

I know that autumn is upon us, which means colder climates and shorter days. But I've recently become quite attached to the sun lately. You know, that mass of incadescent gas, that gigantic nuclear furnace.

Last week, we opened up all the window coverings. The blinds, the curtains, everything. I had forgotten what an amazing difference that light makes in all the rooms. The house seems more open, inviting, and cheerful. Never mind that it was dark and lit by the blue glow of numerous computer monitors. Here comes the sun!

I also recently took down these ugly-ass plastic vertical blinds that the landlord installed over the sliding glass door in the dining room, and put up some cotton curtains... the rooms looks lovely with the sun peeking through them, and when the door is open, the wind gently puffing the curtains up is a lot more soothing than the CLACK CLACK of the damned blinds. I'm making a vow to take out all the blinds in the house. I hate blinds... vertical or horizontal, plastic or metal. Bleh.

But back to the subject of the sun... I'm savoring it all I can before daylight savings is upon us. I'm more than ready for the brisk days of autumn and winter. I love a sunny day that's a bit breezy and cool... perfect for a walk. Geocaching will also be a whole lot more enjoyable for me now, with the colors changing and the weather easing up. Can't wait! Bring out the sweaters, the scarves, and the hot cider!

Race ya to the leaf pile! ;)

posted by Courtney @ 04:14 PM
September 23, 2002
the great punkin

I was just outside watering the backyard plants (or lack of), and discovered that we have pumpkins!

They should grow to a good size by Halloween, yes?

The Great Pumpkin smiles upon us. ;)

posted by Courtney @ 07:36 PM
September 16, 2002
kitty hijinx

Why do cats insist on getting into the most random, inappropriate and dangerous spots... and why must they always obstruct whatever you are doing?

I just had to pull Sparx out from inside the microwave cart, where there was a broken dessert dish wrapped in paper. She was clawing at the paper, getting dangerously close to the glass. That darned cat!

posted by Courtney @ 01:04 PM
June 23, 2002
Home Sweet Home

Although we didn't go out today, save the Farmer's Market for some fresh fruits and veggies (and not to mention kettle corn... yum!), we got a lot done.

Our moving in process kinda came to a halt these past couple of weeks, and we felt downright crappy about it. So we bore down today and got a lot of stuff done arouund the house. Kevin finally finished laying down the tile in the kitchen (which we started *before* moving in, heh), and I started hanging up pictures and art. This house is definitely becoming more and more of a home.

The cat got to go out for the first time today, too. She was loving it. Sniffed everything in sight before deciding that the front porch was *her* spot, and plopped down in front of the door to guard the house. She's a sweetie. At one point, she started crying through the screen door, so we ran to let her in. She wouldn't come inside, and kept crying until we walked out of the door to just be with her outside. "Come be with me! Have fun with me outside!" she seemed to be mewing.

Oh, I forgot to write last night... the GeoPicnic was a blast. Great turnout, lovely weather, good food, good people. I was dead tired by 7pm, hence the lack of blog.

Mmm. Cookies.

posted by Courtney @ 11:43 PM
May 24, 2002
In Bloom

I just wanted to take the opportunity to quote a good Nirvana song. ;)

The flowers seem to be some sort of Azalea, judging from my pokings around on the web tonight.

I guess I *could* ask her, but I could be too proud. Heh.

posted by Courtney @ 01:17 AM
May 23, 2002

My flowers are wilting.

No, that's not a euphemism.

Kevin's mom gave us a lovely pot of blooming flowers as a housewarming gift, and they're starting to droop. I have no idea what kind of flowers they are. I'm searching endlessly on the web to try to identfy them. I'd take a picture, but (a) I'm lazy right now and (b) I don't want to take a picture of them when they're in this state because it doesn't show their true appearance.

Forgive me, I'm no horticulturist. The flowers are pink and white and look kinda ruffly. Almost hibiscus-like. The leaves are short and almond-shaped.

Anyone? Bueller?

posted by Courtney @ 08:14 PM
March 11, 2002
Middle Child Syndrome

Yes, THIS is my family.

(Click for larger view)

Well, my sister and brother, at least. I'm the middle child.

Middle Child syndrome makes some people all farked up, right? Seems like it affected the other siblings more than it did me... ;)

posted by Courtney @ 03:15 PM