Umm, I must be totally outta the loop.
In April, I was featured in a Honolulu Advertiser news story about Geocaching, and I'm just finding out about it. Go on, take a look. I'll wait.
I haven't been caching in a long time, and I miss it. It was something that I did to fill my dead time when we moved back to California. Now that I'm in school and doing a bit more work, I haven't done a lot. Consider this a promise to myself to get back into it.
As a matter of fact, I had two cache pages printed out, sitting in my car, so I could go drop off this travel bug that I've had for way too long. eek!
What's geocaching? Read the FAQ here.
Is it geeky that I've been subscribed to even though I have no GPS unit & have not yet geocached?
transmitted by :: jozjozjoz :: on June 5, 2003 06:25 PM