geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

I've been patronizing the new (w00t!) Peet's over at Rivermark, a mere few minutes from my place of residence. I think they opened last week.

Their espresso skills are good, but not quite up to snuff as the other Peet's locations. I've had a couple of iced mochas, which were either a tad too milky or a tad too chocolatey.

We need STRENGTH, soldier! Grind those beans! Steam that milk! Hup hup!

I am confident that they will soon learn the Way of the Peet(tm), and I will be there to witness it.


Yah! Yah! They didn't give me heavy cream tonight, so I had to use the stuff I had at home. Lucerne - it gives me headaches. I don't like it. I don't know why the wife wasted our money.

transmitted by Chris Pirillo on March 11, 2003 08:51 PM
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