geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

Tell me, WTF is up with ER not being on for two weeks? This is the one show that Kevin and I watch consistently, and they've messed us up for these past coupla weeks. I say... WTF?

Oh well, guess I'll tune into reruns of Whose Line is it Anyway?... which isn't such a bad alternative.

*shakes fist at TV*


Don't you hate how they keep advertising the ER episodes as though we're finally going to friggin find out if Abby is going to accept the marriage proposal, but each bloody time they manage to skip around it?

I loathe NBC at times.

transmitted by kat on March 7, 2003 12:01 AM

*grumble grumble* networks *grumble*

transmitted by courtney on March 7, 2003 08:57 AM

it's like Friends. they don't seem to make nearly as many episodes as they used to. i guess because it costs so much $$$ now that the cast is earning $1M each. anyway, it pisses me off that they advertise the new episodes for weeks while they show a buch of re-runs in between. ah, i don't watch much prime time tv anymore anyway.

transmitted by grant on March 7, 2003 06:36 PM
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