geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

We seem to have survived the Bay Area's worst storm in seven years with nary a scratch. The North Bay got the brunt of it, with some areas getting over one foot of rain in one day. Ouch! We were lucky enough to not have a power outage, out of the hundreds of thousands of people that did.

We had a bit of a tragedy in our own backyard... the fences on the side and back have toppled over, snapping many of the boards in various places. We're hoping that our cheap landlord will spring for the replacement/repair. *sigh* The fence was obviously old, rotting and falling over to begin with, and all he did was nail some posts leaning into the fence to supposedly support it. Doesn't work well in a storm like this, does it?

I seem to have come out of the cold, stormy weekend with something resembling a cold or mild flu... bleh! Not good, considering I have a TON of stuff to do this week, including a boatload of freelance work, baking and Christmas shopping (ugh!).

Unfortunately, the storm is supposed to continue through the week... although I dunno if it will be as horrible as the weekend was! Of course, all this rain means about many feet of snow in Tahoe... :)

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