geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

I felt like baking tonight, on a whim. So I took a gander at All Recipes' Cookie pages for something yummy.

I didn't have a lot of ingredients on hand... so I just went with the first recipe that I found that I could make. What I found was Award Winning Soft Chocolate Chip Cookies. I had just enough stuff to make half a batch.

Holy. Freaking. Crap.

These cookies r0xx0rs my s0xx0rs. Enough so that I had to post about them! I could eat these all night. That prolly isn't a good idea, tho.

I'm running outta milk. ^_^;;


Did you go up a waiste size overnight? :-)

transmitted by Naladahc on November 12, 2002 05:34 AM

dear lord, I hope not.

now off to the market to get more milk!


transmitted by courtney on November 12, 2002 02:15 PM

Damn. I thought *I* was the best cookie ever! (Ok, that was lame - but it amused me!)

transmitted by Christine on November 13, 2002 09:00 AM

Christine, you are the best *other kind of* cookie. I don't really want to dunk you in milk. ;)

Although some people like that idea... *gasp*

transmitted by courtney on November 13, 2002 02:50 PM
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