geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

I plum forgot to last weeks MM, but I'm still up for 'em... This Week's MM starts up a sleepy Monday with one of my favorite things... Caffeine!

1. Do you like to drink warm beverages in the morning or do you prefer yours cold?
I go both ways. It often depends on the environment and weather, of course. I currently make myself a Peet's Freddo every morning with this *wonderful* at home kit that I got recently. The sound of the blender wakes me up a little before the actual caffeine. In the winters, I do so love my espresso, though.

2. Have you ever been so upset with someone that you wanted to get revenge? What did you do? Or if you didn't, what would you like to have done?
The tempatation of revenge is always there. Human nature, I guess. Eye for and Eye and all that rot. Sure, I've wanted to see my adversaries get their just desserts, but sometimes it just ain't worth it... I would rather put my energy into something more productive. Take for example, everyone's various feelings about Osama bin Laden... so many people want to personally kick his ass and blow him to bits, but the more rational people want to work on bettering our future and thinking of what we can do to prevent this kind of situation later.

3. Looking back, are there any opportunities you missed out on that you can see now but didn't realize then?
Of course, the time I moved to Hawaii, I was over 2 years into my Bachelor's program in film at the Academy of Art in SF. I really loved what I was doing there, but I wasn't truly happy since I was away from my fiancé for a couple of years. I do wish I could have finished the program, although I do not regret it. I think I've changed my mind about my career path anyways. ^_^

4. Are there any clothes you refuse to throw away even though they don't (and never will) fit? Why do you keep them?
I won't say that they will never fit, because the possibility is always there. I've held onto this really nice pair of black pants that Kev gave me maybe 5 years ago, and it was one of the first gifts that he had given me. So it's not just the waist size that I'm holding onto, it's the sentimental value!

5. Do you have an accent? Are there any phrases or words you say that tip folks that "you aren't from around these parts?"
Nope, no accent. I think. I really dunno if I have any true Californian dialect that has followed me around... maybe someone else can point it out to me. Just a few years in Hawaii had sneaked a few local slang words into my conversations, plus a bit of pidgin english. I still catch myself using those words here in California.

6. Are there any words folks misspell or incorrect uses of words that simply drive you insane?
Besides my name?
If you know me, you'll know that my mom drives me (and the rest of the family) crazy with her misuse of words and cliches. Like "don't put all your chickens in one basket". Very entertaining, though.

7. Are there any pet names that you like to be called? Any you don't? Do you (or did you) have any pet names for your partner?
I guess I only like to be called "pet names" by Kev. Nicknames, are those the same? I have lots of those from my friends. Kev and I have variations of the word "bink" (a silly nonsense word, I guess) as our pet names for each other... Binki, Binkle, Binklet. Don't ask. You wouldn't understand. :-P

BONUS: Why you so fly?
Cos my chicken is finger lickin'.


Your very awake in the mornings, I'm more or less in a coma!

transmitted by sian on September 23, 2002 02:01 PM

yes, but it also depends on what time you wake up ;)

transmitted by courtney on September 24, 2002 10:31 AM
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