July 14, 2002
shoot me now

Or rather, me shoot now. Or sometime soon.

Kev and I were having a discussion today about shooting photos. Well, duh. As Ace has put it, this is the "House of Cameras". familymeds.com

I haven't been shooting a lot lately. Well, save the obligatory photos during my geocaching adventures and some family snapshots. I deduced that I was afraid to shoot photos while we were out in San Francisco yesterday because I didn't want to seem like I was shooting the same things as he, and that my photos would be inferior to his. I really (honestly) respect Kev's skills and artistry as a photographer, and I had been afraid that my photos would seem juvenile and simplistic next to his.

That was pretty dumb. I know better than that. Even if we see the same things on the street, we can see them in completely different ways. I also need to shoot more and share photos with him to get his constructive criticism and support. This is the only way I will grow as a photographer. I want to go through all these great photo books that we have on our shelves as well as check out from the library, and share our thoughts on each photo. I want to be able to enjoy this hobby together.

I need to carry my SLR around more often. I've been using the digital for reasons of convenience, but I need to nurture my basic skills.

The quest has begun for better photos.

Posted by Courtney at July 14, 2002 09:37 PM
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