June 05, 2002
geocachin' in

I found my first geocache!

I borrowed my dad's >Garmin eTrex GPS receiver, and it worked pretty well. I think I hafta buy one of these babies or the next model or so up. canadadrugstop.com

I got to the site in the early afternoon. I stupidly did not eat lunch beforehand, nor did I bring a water bottle with. I was baking in the sun within minutes. Once I started feeling dizzy and dehydrated, I headed back, without even finding the cache.

When the sun was going down, I returned to the site and found the cache right away! The disposable camera inside the cache was all used up, so I shot a photo of myself there. I left an IKEA yo-yo that I got on their opening day, and took a fray.com sticker (part of the original cache contents).

This is fun. I think I'm gonna do some more... granted that I'm more prepared next time.

Stupid newbie.

Posted by Courtney at June 05, 2002 09:18 PM

I'm going for coffee. Want some?

Posted by: zorgon on June 6, 2002 02:01 PM

Well, duh.

Where's the goods?

Posted by: courtney on June 6, 2002 02:11 PM


Posted by: zorgon on June 6, 2002 02:27 PM

aw yeah. This "Mr. Pibb Extra" that kevin got me is not doin' a good enough job.

What the heck does the "Extra" mean anyways?

Posted by: courtney on June 6, 2002 02:42 PM

"Extra..." diarrhea?
That is the effect Mr. Pibb always had on me.
I didn't even know it was still being sold.
I thought it had been banned in one of those riders to the Geneva Convention as illegal chemical warfare.
Don't tell me if I'm right. ;)

Posted by: zorgon on June 6, 2002 04:19 PM
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