courtney: is this thing on?
Keko: wth? lol
bluefire: share the waffles
courtney: This purple business is cramping my style, dammit
courtney: hey, I changed the colors. Neat.
tuesday's child: Just a 'hello world!' from another geek chick. Will come back soon to check out the rest of your blog.
courtney: bueller?
zorgon: Time for COFFEE
courtney: only on ice!
Toni: Fry?
courtney: uh, french?
craigofthorns: hello
craigofthorns: Cuttlefish!!!!
courtney: ika ika!
bhart: i just bought new shoes and damn are they spiffy
beckerbuns: just saying hi! thanks for visiting Mom & Kid Adventure Cache!
Toni: Pretzles rule!
Toni: I wish I could be there to hang out, chat, listen and give you a hug.
courtney: I'm hangin' in there! thanx!
Toni: Gregory Horror Show....ever heard of it?
courtney: nope. enlighten us.
Promo: Turtle! Turtle!
Toni: it's a board game with a collectible twist. I'll bring it to poker!
Toni: PS. Click on my name to see details on the game! I'm a dork and have no idea to crate a link to it.
courtney: another game to spend my money on! aaaaah!
bhart: "can you hear me now?" wh..what? hello? you're breaking up. does this mean i can go home now?
bhart: What's your favorite dish? I'm not gonna cook it but I'll order it from Zanzibar.
courtney: can you get Krispy Kremes in Zanzibar?
bhart: in soviet russia, kristy kremes get YOU. (i hate myself)
courtney: who's kristy?
bhart: i meant krispy, but wouldn't kristy kremes make a good porno name?
courtney: I'm surprised it hasn't been taken yet... or has it?
philzilla: did you give up on macnn? i\\\'m going to bed now, goodnight
courtney: I didn't give up, I just got sick of being in high school again.
Daiko: Good luck with Jag
Wevah: Yay! Hooray!
Torgodevil: Nice site! Love the color scheme
Bri: My challenge - make your home page - I did!
courtney: don't forget the "Y".
craig: Hey Courtney, miss talking to you!!!
Nehi: *quietly muches his cookies and reads*
sian: Love the site - ciao!
Bri: Ever have one of those days when you reach the end nd wonder "What was the point of getting out of bed?" Me, too.
courtney: I wonder that at the beginning of the day.
craig: Happy Birfday!!!
zorgon: HB toonie! :java
Guy: Hey -- I moved my blog and wrote you about it, and you still show my old blog in your link
courtney: hmm, I don't seem to have that message, but I'll fix it!
chirs: what are you up to?
chirs: Is aanyone home?
courtney: "chirs"? Or is it one of many Chris'es I know?
chirs: long time listner, first time caller. How are you this evening?
courtney: evening's just about over here. The shoutbox isn't known for swift responses...
chirs: N38 54 56W94 39 17
Daiko: N52 09 06 E06 43 08
chirs: have jettisoned blinds,increased glare,extended free lighting hours,final analysis pending
courtney: light is good
zorgon: fnord
bhart: it's easy to eat too many mashed potatoes.
courtney: mmm. taters.
chirs: ooo it makes me wonder...
zorgon: Is there a bustle in your hedgerow?
courtney: how about my hedgehog wearing a bustle?
zorgon: Well that would be a spring clean for the May queen.
chirs: it's whispered that soon, if we all call the tune
Guy: Hey -- who you calling random internet people?
courtney: Just quoting Twon
Bri: Shout out to mah peeps! Word!
courtney: *peep peep*
.idiot: love the page, geeky girl we are geeks tew. pr0ps on the page.
xi: your jag link is broke
courtney: oh fark.
xi: so... was my brain good?
courtney: it's a bit nutty...
cynyc: SA goon. yes?
courtney: that I am.
bhart: don't panic.
chirs: hachew
xi: dry nod do led duh code ged you down'd
bhart: purple is a fruit.
Epic: a/s/l?
courtney: read the "about" page.
XI: epic, you already *know* she's a girl in silicon valley, you're wondering if she 'cybers' right?
courtney: NOT!
iyam: cheezy pic buh nice n cute dou. ;]
courtney: That's the point
2465: "link" link is 404'd!
courtney: fixed, and fixed. danke.
XI: 'teat'=nipple
XI: freud would be proud
2465: 2465
Bri: RE: Your Zippy strip. Ambrose Pierce said "War is God's way of teaching Americans geography." Too true.
zorgon: Bierce. Ambrose Bierce.
Bri: I was at work, I was in a hurry. Sue me!
courtney: it's a great quote, regardless!
rewolfa: ..s.confused
bong man: nice site
bong man: yeah! just noticed you listen to weezer! go girl!
courtney: =w=
Toni: it has been awfully quiet here lately....are you still breathing girl?
courtney: damn finals.
Guy: Your Other Cool Reads says that your blogrolling code is out of date.
zorgon: Nice bunnies!
jewdez: i love the bunnies::son, do you wanna wear that? no, then take it off!!
Meeces: your css ain't fixed. the body (right) floats into the whatever you call it (left)
Guy: Hey, whahappen with the meetup? We had E, Twon, and me.
Chris: Looking forward to a St. Julie Christmas!
Toni: I wonder if the people who live there now would mind if we all showed up to open presents....hmmmm
courtney: ...that would be priceless!
bong man: new format!
aeFalcon: sup homies
aeFalcon: ^__^
aqoss: yo
jack: el scorcho! you go girl!
Zechs: hello
Zechs: any1 awaaaaaaaaake?
Zechs: rOar i existed and this is my testiment
Zechs: my name is Zechs and i'm 18 years old i wrote this and i was alive
Zechs: remember me people ^_^
courtney: Zechs, this isn't a chat, just a posting area. Thanks for stopping by!
Lance: Hey Courtney, how are ya?
jack: she blogs everyday. how do you think she is?
Bunny Feet Lover: If there are no more bunny feet, then the terrorists have already won.
courtney: the bunny feet have not died, they are just archived.
jack: thanks for editing that double post
zorgon: Oh no! Archiving is cruelty to bunnyfeet!
jack: look so cute in that cam pic. like a wittle girl...awww
zorgon: *encourages MrGeek to turn on the heat fer Bobsake*
jack: hold up sister! can you please give some more info about this "apple beer"
courtney: it's not alcoholic, it's a "soft drink with a head". It's okay, I guess. Check
jack: http://www.appleb
jack: applebeer cam rawks!
anus: my anus is killing me!
Loaff: nice place
gemflip: Love the Site well done.
Bunny Feet Lover: Gimme bunnies! Gimme bunnies! Gimme bunnies!
*b*: 2456
*b*: 2465, even
zorgon: coffee....
mike: cool site you got here
Hoont Master: You do realize that "I am a man of constant hoonting" came from the Soggy Bottom Boy's song. Yup. Uh-huh.
Andy: Hi, Really like your website.
xerogen: Buy a BRAND NEW XBOX for only $22.50! Go to to buy it and for more information!
jack: oh my lord...someone spammed a shoutbox. that is one of the most patheric things i have ever seen.
kat: *waves to courtney in the cam window*
courtney: *waves back to kat and slaps the spammer*
Skrazo: What does 'blog' stand for?
kat: Hey, bitchin! Chris mentioned you in his newsletter.
kat: blog is "web" and "log" mushed together.
Guy: Guy updated his blog earlier in the week. Tried "refresh"?
courtney: 3 months! Way to go, Guy!
Guy: My blog is purposed on discussion about the Society for Technical Communication, but I am not broadly promoting it yet.
courtney: no problem there!
Lance: Hi Courtney, just blurking around
Karen: Just leaving my calling card!
crustyfart: whats the point?
courtney: is there *ever* a point?
Coreslider: 53 & lost in space So hi
blurker #667: 'if you don't have anything to say, don't say anything' or 'life by proxy' you decide...
peffe: great site *nice work *
alan: hey
Andy: Ooops i think i may be a blurker!
Killbot: Merry Blogging from Bermuda! Or is it Happy blogging .. I dunno..
Bunny Feet Lover: Blogtastic!
kat: Hah, I love your current Deux desktop.
jack: yeah, where can i dl one?
sniffer: This is some strange place. Nice design thought.
jack: so nobody is willing to reveal where to get that desktop?
mike: I want that wallpaper and that hat your wearing in the cam. whered u get it?
courtney: the wallpaper will come to you guys soon. the hat is from GapKids, XL, my sis got it for me for $2!
jack: hey! no spamming
Paul: I think I love you!
Paul: Or maybe not...
courtney: bi-polar? *confused*
zorgon: fnord
poser: wow it keeps getting better and better going to links off of other people's message boards, kona, hawaii

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