I always go back to Orisinal to play the cute cute games like Chicken Wings and The Early Spring. The art is wonderful on these, and the games are actually fun! avidpromedical.com
Had enough of the Apple Switch commercials? AND the parodies? There's room for one more... Switch Monkey!
(via What do I know)
Mamma Mia!
This link is over a year old, but I had just discovered the hilarity that is....
Mario Twins!
(via GamerWeb)
The inter-neat is chock full of all sorts of weirdness. You probably already know that.
WatchMeDance.com features a new dance video everyday of the danceman shaking his thang at random locations. City fountains, McDonald's, ... he'll dance for you anywhere.
Kev had sent me this link cos the danceman has recorded a dance video to Nvidia's Soundstorm song.
Remember the old Apple 64k software called "Facemaker"? We've come a long way.
The Identikit Project chronicles a lot of cool face making projects on the web, including the famous Mini-Mizer (the Lego-type figure maker) and the South Park Studio.
The face you see to the right was created by me at the FaceCard site.
If you've used and online map/directions service, I'm sure you can relate to this article. One too many times have people gotten lost when following online directions.
Read Wired's article "Route of Problem: Bad Online Maps" for more details. Although they seem to concentrate on MapQuest, I'll gladly vouch for MapBlast's errors as well.
(via Faisal.com)
Does anyone know what happened to all the clips of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog that they had on iFilm? They mysteriously disappeared one day.
Be deprived no more! Triumph is set to release a rap CD appropriately named Songs in the Key of Poop.
I think puppets are funny.
(via FARK)
Oh dear.
A Carbonized version of Snood (beta) is now available. All you mac-heads *know* that this is dangerous.
(via MacSlash)
There are some cool old-skool games in Flash format at OutsideOfSociety to poke around at, like Super Mario, Zelda, Marble Madness, etc. These games mostly serve as examples for the Tutorials on making your own games, but they're still very cool.
(via k10k)
Loren has been slaving away at LucasArts on a little game called Gladius, which will be out early next year. The official site is now up... check it out!
Set to be released for PS2, XBox and GameCube... you have no excuse.
I discovered this not too long ago, and get so much glee out of it, I hafta share.
Music video for Move your Feet by Junior Senior, as interpreted by Shynola.
(via Coudal Partners)
So... what do we have here?
I'm attempting feebly to make my own link weblog, in the footsteps of slashdot, fark, et al. This is mostly because I have an immense amount of bookmarks and want to have a place to categorize and file my links, and also, to share and discuss them with others.
If you have any sites you would like to submit, please feel free to contact me.