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Comments: ani-bliss

Watch them without Kev!

And then watch them again with Kev!

i like the way you used the word mission. i think that needs to be adapted into my vocabulary...

Gosh, I just loved Spirited Away. I rented it on a whim and was really impressed! The day I returned the DVD I saw that they had the DVD "previously viewed" for a few bucks cheaper than new, so I jumped on it. Fun! =:D


...the exotic Target.

...which makes our... fifth? SIXTH? copy of Laputa? :)

It's all about the DVD features....

I almost rented Spirited Away last night but ended up getting something else. Maybe I'll pick it up tonight. I was really digging the trailer the couple times that I did see it.

How were The Castle in the Sky and Kiki's Delievery Service compared to Spirited Away?

Yikes. Thanks for reminding me that I need to get the Spirited Away DVD. I've watched my new Princess Mononoke DVD about six times in the two weeks since I got it. (Yay, eBay! 9 bucks!)

Did you see
this news on

Porco Rosso is due out on DVD this Christmas. :)

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