geeky chick dot net

Comments: lithless lithps

i gave up on my retainer like, years ago, and have come to accept the misaligned lower teeth thing. guess i'll never be a movie star. *sigh* i thalute your perthithtenth. ;)

Oh, could be worse. Ya know the big ol' headgear thing? Yeah, I'm still reeling from the mental anguish that one caused. I actually still have permanent retainers behind all of my front teeth. My tongue gets caught up once in a while, but I'm getting better with it.

You're dethpicable.

Never had to wear a retainer, but I did just have a filling put in and he numbed my mouth. It's supposed to wear off in an hour ... took almost three hours. People at work couldn't understand me.

Permanent retainers... eek! Sounds like a pain, Mike (pun intended)! Then again, it helps keep those pearly whites in their place. Ah, the price we pay for a lovely grin.

tj: I bet you could leave work early on the grounds of not being able to communicate with your co-workers. ;)

You wuss. There are those of us who still have to wear their braces. I don't have gums! I have hamburger meat!

Yes, I'm a wuss. Wanna make something of it?

*runs and hides*

Alas, I wish I had not wasted all the money my parents spent on my teeth. I never wore my headgear. I never wore my retainer.

My teeth aren't bad. But they could be better.

Oh...and THAT RETAINER WEB CAM ROCKY HORROR MOUTH PIC IS CREEPY!!! (Hmm...redo it with lots of bright red lipstick!!!)

Love, Nala the Cowlander

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