geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

June 04, 2003

pr0n0ch35tr4 - Stop the wah-wah

Found in The Wave this week:

The Parkway Theatre
1834 Parkway Blvd., Oakland | (510) 814-2400
Thursday, June 12
The orchestra performs improvised and composed scores to pornographic film. Leave the kids at home or, at the very least, in the car.

The website for the orchestra states, "The equivalent of a circus band with its collective eye on the trapeze artist: the PornOrchestra teases out the thrill, amplifying the collective gasp at pornographic triumph and tragedy using the most eclectic and creative musical minds working in the Bay Area today."

Wow. The Bay Area entertainment industry is so... diverse.

posted by Courtney @ 08:50 PM
April 03, 2003
what is it good for?

"There is one more star in heaven tonight," one of his close friends says. Edwin Starr has passed away at the age of 61.

His song "War" is a timeless tune from over thirty years ago that resounds for us now in this time of crisis. That, and it was a Poker Night standard. *sigh*

(via MeFi)

posted by Courtney @ 11:47 PM
March 07, 2003

I am *so* diggin' my iPod... I just haven't gotten to use it a lot this week. Bah!

I did get to use it pretty extensively last weekend, when we drove down to Monterey for a day... it was pretty sweet to have all that music right there in the car, using our old cassette adapter for the discman. Such a luxury to have all these artists, genres, moods, mixes and spoken word at my fingertips while on the road.

That way, I can listen to Brak singing the bean song anytime I want. ^_^

I got myself an iSee case earlier this week, and I'm diggin' it... it's hard molded plastic (the same plastic used in the G4 tower case) that lets you view the beauty of the iPod in all its glory.

God, I'm such a mac geek... I was worried about covering it's ultra cool looking body.

(there's a joke somewhere in there, I know...)

posted by Courtney @ 09:11 AM
February 18, 2003
move your feet

I'm posting this by request from the shoutbox, since shynola's site seems to be intermittently down (original download page here).

This is definitely worth a post, anyways, since it makes me happy.

move your feet

by Junior Senior, animation by Shynola
(5.1 MB Quicktime MOV best viewed at any size! Resize as large as you can and crank it up)

Get it now, for I will be removing the file from this site soon.

posted by Courtney @ 05:03 PM
January 03, 2003
that's *MISTER* eminem to you

I guess you shouldn't wonder why certain music artists use pseudonyms... they have really dorky real names.

I have found that mug shots can be quite revealing of many things, including their real names.

Most of us know Eminem is Marshall Mathers, but what about Brian Hugh Warner, Robert James Ritchie, and of course, Robert Van Winkle?

I guess no one ever names their kid thinking they'd someday be famous and have their name plastered all over an exposé website... ;)

posted by Courtney @ 12:26 PM
September 04, 2002

Your tongue will be torn your bowels my food
your body impaled of shit will be full
now foolish warrior hear my words

You are condemned and you will come
with us all beyond the gates of infinity

I'm the mighty warrior herd of the northern lands
Algalord is calling so your hell must wait

-Rhapsody's "Beyond the Gates of Infinity"

Are you scared too? Me, I can't stop giggling.

posted by Courtney @ 10:47 PM
August 26, 2002
i blame you

I just spent way too much time tonight at No Others Need Apply. One of the gracious keepers of the site had lovingly transcribed a GREAT article about TMBG from the August 12th issue of the New Yorker... which I totally missed since the bookstores put up the next issue WAY too fast!

What a wonderful archive of articles, photos, videos(!) and lotsa other happy goodies. If you're a TMBG fan, go NOW.

posted by Courtney @ 12:30 AM
August 11, 2002
i heart dorks

So, I took my brother and cousin, both recently sixteen years old, to the Weezer concert last night. It was pretty good... for a large scale show. I forgot how much I don't like these large concerts. Too many people, too far from the stage, too short of a set. Not really worth the twenty-five bucks, if you ask me. But we had fun, nonetheless.

As for the opening acts, I missed the first few songs of Sparta's set, but what I heard was pretty good. Dashboard Confessional was worth seeing... they played a good sampling of music, and even *gasp* something that's on the radio, hee. I'm setting out to buy their CD soon.

Weezer's pretty cool. I've always dug their music, and never saw them perform before. Heck, I'm so outta the loop, I haven't even seen the majority of their videos... which, BTW, I found the audio & video archive at their site.

Again, this is where I profess my crush on another geek icon. Rivers Cuomo is pretty dang cute.

So I'm not the first chick to notice, heh.

I see a trend here. Courtney likes geeky guys. Not like that's a surprise.

posted by Courtney @ 11:57 PM
July 18, 2002
clap your hands

The They Might Be Giants concert was last night at the Fillmore. What a diverse mix of people in that audience... a variety of ages, sizes, and races.

But they were all geeks. Totally. If I singled out any conversation going on around me, it was either about Star Wars, video games, Computer hardware, software, or programming.

Anyways... TMBG still effin' rocks. Twenty years later, they still know how to rock.

And they still look pretty good too. :D

I always had a crush on Flansy.

This is the first concert Kevin and I have been to in years. As a matter of fact, the last one was a TMBG concert at the Fillmore something like 4 years ago. Imagine that. The music scene in Hawaii wasn't all that stellar... not too many acts would come across the ocean since they utilize busses. Only really big tours came our way... mostly mainstream acts that we didn't care for like Janet Jackson and Earth Wind & Fire. Weee. It seemed like a good excuse for the musicians and crew to take a vacation.

I missed the Bay Area music scene. I wonder if I'll get to hit more shows... considering how busy we are.

Who else puts on a good show?

posted by Courtney @ 12:13 PM
May 31, 2002
Who's that playin'?

Okay, I mean it this time.

They Might Be Giants.

July. 16-17. 2002.

the Fillmore, San Francisco.

You will be there.

Oh yes, you WILL be there.

posted by Courtney @ 03:30 PM