geeky chick dot net
by the glow of the monitor...

Attention: Courtney has NOT finished her coffee yet. I repeat, has NOT finished her coffee yet.


I'm cranky, grumpy, tired and sluggish. Watch out, or I may snap your head off if you try to get between me and my coffee-stained mug.

What's that, little Treo? It's time to get ready for class? Argh, so that means we have no time for a blog entry of substance? Oh pity me, Treo, I didn't blog at all yesterday! OKAY, Stop beeping at me already! SHEESH!

Oh yeah, it *is* that time of the month, isn't it...?


not fair I want a Treo. I will settle for a Pocket PC for TMobile tho. Can't you blog via your Treo tho?

transmitted by mike on January 30, 2003 11:26 AM

That time of the month?

Oh yeah... when the W2s start arriving.

transmitted by Naladahc on January 30, 2003 12:00 PM
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